Most magic the gathering first stir related news are at:

New Comics – Wednesday, August 28 23 Aug 2013 | 02:26 am
HeroClix Wolverine and the X-Men Event 22 Aug 2013 | 08:41 pm
HeroClix Wolverine and the X-Men 300 pt. Sealed Booster Saturday, August 24, 1:00 pm Entry – $30 Format – Swiss Prizes – 1st Place LE figure from OP kit, LE figure from OP kit to randomly chosen p...
More magic the gathering first stir related news:
Magic the Gathering Deck Protectors – Gatecrash – Skarrg Guildmage (Gruul) (80 Sleeves) 30 May 2013 | 04:23 pm
The post Magic the Gathering Deck Protectors – Gatecrash – Skarrg Guildmage (Gruul) (80 Sleeves) appeared first on MTG Card Sleeves.
Magic the Gathering 2014 Core Set 3 Jul 2013 | 03:42 am
The first 30 boxes presold will come with a Buy-A-Box promo foil card, Ratchet Bomb! Ignite Your Spark Play with fire! See for yourself why Magic: The Gathering is the world’s premier trading card g...
Craving for a Game: MTG Pre-Release 8 Jun 2013 | 10:30 pm
Craving for a Game special event: Magic the Gathering M14 Pre-Release Saturday July 13th & Sunday July 14th Come to Craving for a Game to play the newest MTG set, M14. Sealed event – $30 First Flig...
Legacy Analysis: Reflections & Slivers 29 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
This is a two-section article. The first section is a short reflection on the current state of Magic: the Gathering, motivated by its upcoming 20th anniversary. The second section is a review of Magic...
Magic: The Gathering 2014 Core Set – Fire Surge Review 8 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
My first real intro to Magic: The Gathering was through the Dragon’s Maze deck Gruul Siege which I reviewed tersely back in May. Since then, my enthusiasm for Magic bas been growing slowly helped in n...
Game Review: Magic 2014—Duels of the Planeswalkers 15 Aug 2013 | 05:12 pm
Ah, Magic: The Gathering. A card game that has intrigued me since the first day I heard about it. I have always wanted to play it with others, but there has always been two barriers to that; cost, and...
Princesses first post 29 Jan 2011 | 07:42 am
Once upon a time, when i fiended at the magical palace called towers, I went to a gathering at a place called Sig Ep Jungle. When I returned to my kingdom i decided to take a shower, nobody in the pal...
Princesses first post 29 Jan 2011 | 02:42 am
Once upon a time, when i fiended at the magical palace called towers, I went to a gathering at a place called Sig Ep Jungle. When I returned to my kingdom i decided to take a shower, nobody in the pal...
Guys gather for My Little Pony convention in B.C. 26 Aug 2013 | 12:13 am
The first national Canadian convention for fans of the animated television show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, was held in Richmond, B.C. Saturday.
...or you could just roll Gather Information, I guess 20 Aug 2013 | 09:37 pm
They land in the port of Abu Zin Zeer looking for the white elves who were rumored to be transporting the eye of a fallen god. But first they hid in an alley and tested out this deck of magic cards t...