Most magical mouse radio related news are at:
Little Details Number 15: The Key Is Under The Mat 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Tweet Hello Everyone! I hope all is well with everyone. Can you believe it is almost Fall already?! Today’s Little Detail is one of my all time favorite’s from an amazing attraction which has stood ...
25 Tips for the runDisney Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend 27 Aug 2013 | 12:00 am
Tweet In just a few days, runners and their families will arrive at the Disneyland Resort for the 2013 Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend. With anticipation filling the air, the gun will fire and fire...
More magical mouse radio related news:
Magic Mouse 4 Apr 2010 | 08:40 am
Dans mon précédent billet traitant du nouveau matériel des lpz, j’ai oublié de parler du remplacement de la Mighty Mouse par la Magic Mouse, la dernière souris d’Apple. S’il y a un grand défaut que t...
How to Reset the Mac OS X Lion Screen Zoom 10 Oct 2011 | 12:44 pm
I really like my Mac. One thing I miss when I use my Windows computer is the Mac’s ability to zoom the screen with CTRL plus moving my finger forward or back on my magic mouse. As you get older, you...
TIP: Magic Mouse: Connection Lost Fix! 5 Aug 2011 | 03:25 am
TIP OF THE DAY Magic Mouse “Connection Lost”? Argh! You are using your wireless Mouse and suddenly get that dreaded “Lost Connection” message pop up on your screen. Your mouse is “frozen” and unusable...
El Magic Mouse en mi Ubuntu 8 Apr 2011 | 11:04 am
Todo el que me conoce sabe que soy inseparable de mi MacBook, pero el que conoce bien, sabe que si lo enciende puede encontrar el OSX o mi Ubuntu 10.4 LTS...
Mi Magic Mouse Muriéndose mas de una semana 5 Apr 2011 | 03:56 pm
llevo mucho tiempo sin escribir ninguna entrada en mi POST, y es que aunque me he pasado una temporada sin estar asignado a un contrato, no sé como lo he hecho pero he currado mas de lo normal, y es q...
Testbericht - Apple Magic Mouse oder Maus 28 Mar 2011 | 11:07 pm
In diesem Testbericht geht es um die neue Apple Magic Maus mit Multitouch Oberfläche. Gleich nach dem Auspacken fällt die für Apple typische schlichte Eleganz des Produkts auf. Die Apple Magic Maus is...
[開箱] 羅技 Logitech M600 Touch Mouse 觸控滑鼠 27 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
除了APPLE的 Magic Mouse、微軟的 Touch Mouse 系列,羅技也推出了觸控滑鼠 M600 跟以往的傳輸介面一樣是 USB 2.4gHz、雷射等級的感應方式、68g的重量,算是一隻輕小的滑鼠,這次就來介紹這組羅技M600無限觸控滑鼠 閱讀完整文章 >>
Avez-vous déjà vu? Une souris courir 5 kilomètres! 28 Oct 2009 | 12:57 am
Apple a lancé la semaine dernière un produit ré-inventé qui en a fait baver plusieurs, .. la dite : Magic Mouse. Les spécifications et les détails de la Magic Mouse sont disponible ici : Apple Store...
Dave Schultz’s “Rufus” in the news… 28 Feb 2012 | 11:34 am
Here are some links to some of the coverage that RUFUS has received to date. Magic 98 Radio interview with David James Ell...
Magic Mouse 使用後感 - 現。在。不。會。買 25 Oct 2009 | 02:52 am
今天回家途中,順道去某 reseller 試用全新推出的 Apple Magic Mouse。 感想如下: 優: - 啓動後, 5 秒內自動連接 Mac - 單指 上下左右轉圈滾動,按Ctrl+滾動 作頁面縮放,都極之順暢 - 左右鍵的位置,都非常易找,這個不用擔心。 - 比起 mighty mouse 輕得多了。 劣: - 沒有 middle-button, 亦沒有 side-button....