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Bikes : The end of a series? 22 Dec 2011 | 04:52 am

With three wins apiece, Cyril Despres and Marc Coma are tied in the roll of honour of the Dakar. But it is not a done deal that one of the two champions will forge ahead of the other in 2012: the...

Kings on Ice Ukraine 20 Apr 2010 | 04:43 am

Due to the flight cancellations, Stéphane won't be able to fly home tomorrow. He has therefore decided to continue the trip with the rest of the Kings on Ice crew and to participate in the three shows...

Hubert Bio 19 Nov 2011 | 10:12 am

If there is one member of the Nitro crew that has even a thread of sanity, it may just be Hubert Rowland,  which you wouldn’t expect from the most bona fide, qualified, and ratified redneck on the who...

JIM BIO 25 Oct 2011 | 04:50 am

Like many of the members of the Nitro Circus crew, Jim T-Rex Dechamp’s destiny has been largely the result of having Travis Pastrana as an acquaintance. Being fortunate enough to have moved a few bloc...

Organizers of PodCamp Nashville 2010 17 Sep 2009 | 08:56 am

PodCamp is not about who is putting it on, but if you need to connect with one of us, here is who is doing what. PodCamp 2010 Crew Leaders Chair: Dave Delaney Budget Coordinator: Andrew Duthie Com...

Fast Five (Fast & Furious)(2011) 21 Apr 2011 | 03:14 am

The Plot: Dominic and his crew find themselves on the wrong side of the law once again as they try to switch lanes between a ruthless drug lord and a relentless federal agent. Storyline: Former cop ...

Madagascar : la SADC accentue la pression pour finaliser l’amnistie permettant le retour de Ravalomanana 13 Feb 2012 | 10:01 am

Madagascar doit respecter le délai fixé pour finaliser les lois d’amnistie à la fin du mois, permettant le retour de l’ancien président Marc Ravalomanana, a déclaré dimanche Marius Fransman après une ...

Madagascar : pour Fransman, la sortie de crise passe par la réconciliation ! 25 Jan 2012 | 04:03 am

Marius Fransman Résumé de la conférence de presse de Marius Fransman en Afrique du Sud ce 24 janvier 2012, après le retour avorté de Marc Ravalomanana le 21 janvier. Marius Fransman demande à Marc R...

Retour de Ravalomanana : quand l’AFP modifie sa dépêche pour être favorable à la HAT… 19 Jan 2012 | 07:31 am

Marc Ravalomanana Retour de Marc Ravalomanana – Samedi ou pas ? Alors qu’annoncé par l’ancien président en personne pour ce samedi 21 janvier, son retour ne sera probablement pas pour samedi selon so...

Madagascar : News du 01 juil 2011 1 Jul 2011 | 08:00 am

30/06 – L’ambassadeur de France Jean Marc Chataigner s'endort pendant l'inauguration du nouveau centre de presse #madagascar 30/06 – Arema: Ange Andrianarisoa et Tantely...

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