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Jiangsu JIXIN BNBM Hangtianzhiguang Korea Deloitte etc Clients Selected QYResearch Solar or Wind Energy Reports: Wind And Solar Energy Tips 13 Sep 2012 | 02:00 pm
Date: Jun 4 2010 Editor: QYResearch News Center As of Jun 4,2010,QYResearch Solar Energy Research Center continue focus on solar industry chain market survey and research, has published CIGS CDTE A-SI...
University of Maryland research teams to develop EV energy storage systems 27 Aug 2013 | 12:41 pm
The University of Maryland (UMD) Energy Research Center's two research teams have secured grants from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) for the development of transformational elec...
Extreme Chi Energy Can Be Measured 15 Feb 2012 | 08:42 pm
The Rhine Parapsychology Research Center Bio-Emissions Lab Experiment How can Bio-Energy be measured? This article and video is about my visit to the Rhine Center’s Bio-Emissions Lab in Durham, NC....
USC Viterbi Energy Research Plans 7 Jun 2011 | 01:03 am
P. Daniel Dapkus of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, and USC Professor of Chemistry Mark Thompson discuss the research plans for the Energy Frontiers Research Center for Emerging Materials for S...
NSF renews, expands mission of UW-Madison Materials Research Center 9 Sep 2011 | 05:00 pm
With $18 million over six years, the National Science Foundation is expanding the mission of one of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's most prolific and prestigious interdisciplinary research cente...
Product fitness 80 in San Francisco, August 24th – 30th 8 Aug 2012 | 12:34 am
Product fitness 80 “What would happen if we used 20% less materials and energy to make products?” MUJI U.S.A. LIMITED will present Product fitness 80 exhibition at SOMArts Cultural Center (934 Brannan...
Dr. James K. Sutter and Douglas Comstock — AeroDef Wrap Up 25 Mar 2013 | 10:34 pm
Tweet Dr. James K. Sutter, PhD, NASA Glenn Research Center, explains the changes in composite materials in the space program. Douglas Comstock, director of the Off…
Bullock honored by Royal Society of Chemistry 11 Jun 2013 | 11:31 pm
Morris Bullock, a Laboratory Fellow at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and director of the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis, a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center...
Alumna Wendy Calvin is a pioneer in geothermal energy research 19 Aug 2013 | 08:44 pm
Director of the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy in Reno, Nev., Wendy Calvin believes geothermal energy will help solve the global environmental crisis. Wendy Calvin (BS ’83) has a passion fo...
Alumna Wendy Calvin is a pioneer in geothermal energy research 19 Aug 2013 | 08:44 pm
Director of the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy in Reno, Nev., Wendy Calvin believes geothermal energy will help solve the global environmental crisis. Wendy Calvin (BS ’83) has a passion fo...