Most matricula consular card related news are at:

Laura Ingraham Naked 22 May 2012 | 03:48 pm
If you have ever been to this site, and more than likely since I have not posted much of anything in a year, you have not, I am a fan of Bill O'Riley. Maybe I should say I was a fan. Bill is working i...
Has it been a year ? 9 May 2012 | 08:14 am
Has it really been a year since I posted something ? I guess I just got tired of watching folks go blindly into our countries future. With the way Romney has come up through the primaries, and the lac...
More matricula consular card related news:
¡LA MATRÍCULA CONSULAR NO VALE! 22 Aug 2013 | 08:04 am
Para los traspasos del título de propiedad de un vehículo... Desde el 1 de septiembre, los portadores de una matrícula consular en Texas no podrán utilizar dicho documento para hacer transferencias de...
ORGRESBANK is introducing a service for cashless payment at ATMs of the Bank for visas 2 Sep 2009 | 04:26 am
ORGRESBANK is putting in place a service for the card-holders of Visa and MasterCard, enabling payment on a cashless basis via our ATMs for consular charges related to obtaining.