Most medico legal advise related news are at:

3 Main Organs That Get Affected by Mesothelioma 26 Mar 2012 | 07:08 pm
Mesothelioma is an infrequently encountered cancer that grows in the coating surrounding the major organs of the body. This cancer develops after exposure to asbestos. Since asbestos fibers are very t...
Are There Any Side Effects of Asbestos 19 Mar 2012 | 07:22 pm
Asbestos is a natural mineral which was used widely in the early 20th century in the manufacturing and construction industry for its high resistance to heat and fire and also due to its durability, fu...
More medico legal advise related news:
CPS statement on decision not to charge police officer or Amelia Hill 30 May 2012 | 03:01 pm
Alison Levitt QC, principal legal adviser to director of public prosecutions, says prosecution would not be in public interest On the 2 April 2012 the Crown Prosecution Service received a file of evid...
Expertiză medico-legală. Obligatia de a motiva avizele şi de a coopera cu organele judiciare ori de câte ori este necesar pentru anchetă. 14 Jan 2011 | 09:40 pm
Eugenia Lazar c. Romaniei (Cererea nr. 32146/05) CU PRIVIRE LA NESEMNAREA CERERII ADRESATE CURTII 55. Guvernul invocă, cu titlu preliminar, faptul că formularul de cerere nu a fost semnat de reclam...
Internet Law And Legal Advisers 8 Oct 2011 | 07:01 pm
The law of the Internet has no history to fall back on. Cyber law is developed by judges who do their best to accommodate disputes on the Internet in the existing legal frameworks. The legal princip...
Honcode 16 Feb 2011 | 09:25 am
We comply with the HONcode standard for health trust worthy information - click here to verify. Orthopaedic and Trauma Services Limited offers a comprehensive medico-legal reporting service and clini...
Psychology medico legal report template 3 Feb 2012 | 04:46 am
Whilst we do not recommend using a standard template for the preparation of a psychology medico legal report, we can make some recommendations as to what they should contain. This information is base...
New Breed of Medico Legal Transcription Services Added to The Domain 28 Mar 2012 | 05:17 am
Medical transcription services have also been wrapped with the new age technical advancements. Medical fraternity believe that the pace of medico-legal transcription services are now becoming the best...
Comprehensive Range of Medico Legal Transcription India 26 Mar 2012 | 05:46 am
A service provider who offers the services in the spectrum of medico-legal transcription services has a specialist medico legal transcription service experts who serve hospitals, clinics with their ex...
Influential and erudite legal practitioner 14 Mar 2006 | 01:00 pm
A litigator and senior regulatory legal adviser, Marlon Paz has experience in a wide range of investigative and compliance issues with the U.S. financial and securities markets and global anti-corrupt...
Adrian Năstase şi-a petrecut prima noapte în închisoare. Expertiza medico-legală NU se mai face 27 Jun 2012 | 07:47 pm
Adrian Năstase a fost cazat în secţia de terapie intensivă a Penitenciarului Spital Bucureşti Rahova, într-o cameră cu două paturi şi grup sanitar propriu, în care se mai află un alt deţinut, au preci...
Medicii legişti nu confirmă abuzul sexual în cazul celor doi copii bolnavi de sifilis 20 Jan 2012 | 11:30 pm
Medicii legişti nu confirmă abuzul sexual în cazul celor doi copii bolnavi de sifilis Raportul medico-legal în cazul celor doi fraţi din Codlea, o fetiţă de 3 ani şi un băieţel de 13 ani, bolnavi de ...