Most midlife random blog related news are at:

I used to be.... 28 Jun 2013 | 05:47 am
Hello again! I decided it was high time for another post and my friend Jeanie gave me a great idea. She wrote about the jobs she has had in her life and it was really interesting. You should check out...
Buenos Aires 2013 7 May 2013 | 06:52 am
Yes, I went to Buenos Aires! It was so exciting. My first solo tour. Ok, it was with my SIL, so not all alone, but it was both our first times making such a tour. Arami travel agency offered a 4 day...
More midlife random blog related news:
Some Randomness :/ 25 Nov 2009 | 06:12 pm
Blogging via the blackberry, nothing really important to say except...let's see...I'm still alive. Ummm...I'm looking forward to seeing the Google sign on Thurs, yea I know I'm a major lame lol. Curre...
Blog Awards 19 Feb 2012 | 03:55 pm
First I want to say thank you to "That Random Guy" over at Wow Another Random Blog for nominating me for the "Liebster Blog Award" I'm new to the blogging scene so I have no idea about these awards I ...
Find your needs in the right place 23 Mar 2012 | 02:33 am
And again I’m back with another random blog. Well this might be my last blab about Damart UK. HAHAHA! What can I say? I just simply love and adore their site! ♥ Anyway, today I have been looking over...
Taking a short break! 27 Jan 2011 | 07:23 pm
Howdy, I’ll be back this February. I just need to focus on my tech slash random blog for now then I’ll surely be back soon here. Will still try to update though, I’ll be needing to recharge ideas and ...
♥Hajalicious di Jengah♥ 14 Jun 2009 | 02:49 am
Dengan entry " # Walk, Read and Share. We automaticly provides random blog for you. Blogwalking is easier and fun now!" Berita menarik.....Hajalicious telah di Jengah..... Sedikit sebanyak...
Saying Goodbye.... 20 Aug 2011 | 01:26 pm
Again! Quite some time ago, I stumbled upon this post on a random blog and felt really bad for her. I remember reading it and saying to Paul that night that my studio was more than big enough for 2 p...
.: My life under the sun 16 Nov 2011 | 08:19 am
Description: Totally random blog URL: Feed URL: Tags:
Random blog roll 28 May 2009 | 04:59 am
Zombie crawl this Sunday, starting at the Charleston at 2pm! Spuyten Duyvil just opened up a gorgeous backyard for lounging & drinking. Time's Up has a space in Williamsburg now! Opened up in March...
Fisherman vs Businessman story 25 Feb 2010 | 06:09 pm
I read a great story some random blog that I can’t remember (I’ll insert link here if I find it again). I’ll summarise it anyway: A businessman sees a fisherman at a small Mexican village coming in f...
Make Money Online 26 Jul 2008 | 12:46 am
I have once again reached over into the sidebar and grabbed a random blog from my list of recent visitors to review. is a really great blog to go check out. The layout is rather simp...