Most miller time related news are at:
他的好 16 Aug 2012 | 12:15 am
某些人就算已經不再身邊,但他卻一直生活在你心裡。 原本你以為他永遠不會離開,打從一開始他就不吝於表達對你的好,深怕你不清楚他對你的愛,你曾經覺得好奇怪,也曾經表示抗拒,或許認為自己沒那麼有異性緣,也從來沒有特別暗示什麼,結果就莫名其妙地被人瘋狂愛了一回。 然後,你也莫名其妙愛了一回。 相對於他給你毫無保留全心付出的愛,你給他的,是完全不同的。你請他有所保留,你要他適當付出,這就是你給他的愛。...
超療癒系的貓影片 5 Aug 2012 | 12:03 am
大叔家裡分別養了一位貓大爺與貓公主,雖然經常被他們當成下人使喚,但依然心甘情願地繼續當貓奴,因為他們認真說起來其實是我的心理治療師,每當我心情不好的時候,看到他們,心情就漸漸好起來了。大部份的朋友是養狗,有些人甚至有點怕貓,所以可能不知道貓咪到底有多可愛?我在網路上找了一些網友分享的超人氣貓影片給你們,大概就會了解貓咪畢竟有多麼 該死啊 可愛啊! ▼哀求主人陪他玩的貓 貓咪撒嬌的聲音跟模樣真的...
More miller time related news:
Drivers 26 May 2010 | 10:16 am
John Phillips was a PR guy once. It was the hardest job I ever had. Come Miller time, there was no way of calculating whether I’d accomplished anything or not. But it was 1985, and I was public-relati...
Web Finds: Summer Reads, N.T. Wright and Don Miller 5 Jun 2011 | 07:06 am
Time for another roundup of assorted links! Doris Nhan from the SmartBlog on Social Media writes about how Discovery's Gayle Weiswasser manages multiple social media accounts. The key point here - an...
Furever Friday: MissKittyThing 24 Dec 2010 | 06:41 pm
Guess what time it is… No, it’s not Tool time, or even Miller time, it’s time for another addition of Furever Friday. Woot! And your in luck this week, because I’m introducing you to a kitty that fe...
AnswersThatWork Blog - February 2010 (the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics) 30 Aug 2010 | 04:16 am
Own the Podium - Team Canada and The best Hockey Team in town Changing Lanes Korea's magic, Miller Time, and, yesterday, the Earth shook Normal Service Resumes America's Day, and Russia's Day Did...
It’s Miller Time with Gareth Cliff at Alba Lounge 31 May 2012 | 03:52 pm
BY POPULAR DEMAND, ALBA PRESENTS GARETH CLIFF THIS FRIDAY… 1st of June 2012 Hot local DJ line up to start. Free Entry before 8pm. ♥ Alba
Schedule Released! | Miller Time Lounge | VIP Tickets 15 May 2013 | 09:00 pm
CREATE YOUR SCHEDULE The Schedule is officially out on Make your personalized schedule, share it with friends, and sync it up with your mobile app! Click HERE to make your schedule online...
Notes From Homerville: Tom Brady Ballin, McNabb Politickin, Miller Time Ain’t Prime 18 Aug 2013 | 07:10 am
This episode of Homerville pisses on the Dolphin's dreams, shakes its head at Manziel and Mcnabb, and hopes Miller time is the wrong time for the Broncos The post Notes From Homerville: Tom Brady Bal...
Ticket Giveaway (2): Stand Up It’s Miller Time Hosted by Marlon Wayans in Atlanta on August 29th 22 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Beer and jokes. Jokes and beer. Can’t beat that. I have two pairs of tickets to the annual “Stand Up. It’s Miller Time” showcase grand finale taking place in Atlanta on Thursday, August 29th. In cas...
Ticket Giveaway (1): Stand Up It’s Miller Time Hosted by Marlon Wayans in Atlanta on August 29th 20 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Beer and jokes. Jokes and beer. Can’t beat that. I have two pairs of tickets to the annual “Stand Up. It’s Miller Time” showcase grand finale taking place in Atlanta on Thursday, August 29th. In cas...
10 useful time-saving keyboard shortcuts for Chrome 2 Jan 2012 | 07:11 pm
Using keyboard shortcuts to access features of application can be a great timesaver. If you spend a lot of time on the web and Chrome happens to be...