Most minecraft block id related news are at:

Using IntelliJ IDEA's javac2 in Gradle 3 Apr 2013 | 05:57 pm
JetBrains’s IntelliJ IDEA uses a wrapper around the Java compiler, named javac2, to provide additional support for compiling .form files produced by the IDE, and for processing @Nullable and @NotNull ...
Aggregated Javadoc with APIviz in Gradle 10 Mar 2013 | 01:58 am
Gradle is a relatively new Java build system, which mixes some of the ideas from Maven and Ant: the well-defined structure, multi-module support and dependency management from Maven, but also the cust...
More minecraft block id related news:
TNR-i / iD-Xtra_uncTK 8 Jul 2011 | 03:33 am
TNR-i に最初から保存されているAll Blocks(iD-Xtra_uncTK)を使ったデモです。 基本的なBlock切り替えや、レイヤーのボリューム変更、エフェクト変更などが どのような効果を出すか、この映像を見るととても参考になりますね。 これを観たあとは、File menu - All BlocksからこのiD-Xtra_uncTKをLoadして 自分でもぜひやってみてください...
Minecraft 1.3.1 Item ID List 3 Aug 2012 | 04:56 am
MINECRAFT ITEM ID LIST FOR 1.3.1 MINECRAFT ITEM SPAWN CODES LIST 1 Stone 2 Grass 3 Dirt 4 Cobblestone 5 Wooden Plank 5:1 Wooden Plank (Pine) 5:2 Wooden Plank (Birch) 5:3 Wooden Plank (Jungle) 6 Sapl...
Playing Minecraft in Real Life 25 Sep 2012 | 05:48 am
These things are so cool. Basically this guy made these big Minecraft blocks that use an Arduino and piezoelectric sensors (they detect pressure in case you were wondering) to create blocks that chang...
Playing Minecraft in Real Life 25 Sep 2012 | 05:48 am
These things are so cool. Basically this guy made these big Minecraft blocks that use an Arduino and piezoelectric sensors (they detect pressure in case you were wondering) to create blocks that chan...
Minecraft Block Story 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Houd jij van spelletjes waar alles kan en mag? Waar niks te gek is en waar je zelf je weg moet vinden? Dan is dit spel echt iets voor jou! Een te gekke versie van de Minecraft reeks.
Minecraft Block Story 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
If you like Minecraft, you definitely have to try this game! Be surprised by this world of wonders and see what will happen. Nothing is too strange for Minecraft Block Story.
Block ID 27 Aug 2013 | 12:05 pm
GM offers my id is blocked but do not know why, wish Gm help me to continue playing the game. ID: ********* char: sunryo Emai: ********** Thanks GM
Block ID 27 Aug 2013 | 12:05 pm
GM offers my id is blocked but do not know why, wish Gm help me to continue playing the game. ID: ********* char: sunryo Emai: ********** Thanks GM
Description: Ticking tile entity BlockLeaves 24 Aug 2013 | 07:32 pm
—- Minecraft Crash Report —- // You're mean. Time: 8/24/13 3:31 PM Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.block.BlockLeaves cannot be cast to minefantasy.api.aest...
Presentation: Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping impact on growth,jobs, and prosperity ( May 2011) by McKinsey 7 Jun 2011 | 11:17 pm
<div style="width:477px" id="__ss_8089730"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px">Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping impact on growth,jobs, and prosperity ( May 2011) by McKinsey </strong>...