Most miui rom related news are at:

Prossimo CEO di Microsoft: Stephen Elop di Nokia o Bill Gates? 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Non sarà facile sostituire Ballmer alla guida di Microsoft, non tanto perchè l’ex CEO sia stato una figura tra le più amate per l’industria tecnologica mondiale, ma più che altro perchè un ruolo del g...
Il Samsung Galaxy Note 3 potrà registrare video in 4K 27 Aug 2013 | 12:54 pm
Mancano pocchissimi giorni al 4 settembre,data scelta da Samsung per il suo secondo unpacked annuale, dove presenterà il Galaxy Note 3 e forse anche il Galaxy Gear. Parlando del phablet coreano appre...
More miui rom related news:
MIUI ROM Beta #5 – Preview 29 Dec 2010 | 09:22 pm
If you’ve rooted your phone, then you’ve most likely heard of the MIUI ROM. If you haven’t, then it’s about time you found out about it! MIUI is a custom ROM built by a team of developers in China. ...
IncDoes MIUI (Complete UI Overhaul) 0.3 Screenshots 30 Sep 2010 | 02:01 pm
Again, time limited… just trying to pass along some information and some screenshots. This is the new MIUI ROM from IncDoes: [ROM] IncDoes MIUI – “Complete UI Overhaul” [v0.3] sep/29th http://forum...
Download My MIUI Gingerbread ROM for HTC HD2 27 May 2012 | 12:45 am
MyMIUI custom ROM based on Gingerbread is one of the best MIUI ROM for your HTC HD2. The ROM is built on the MIUI 2.4.20 version, HWA Gingerbread and features the Dorimax Kernel 6.9 that is highly opt...
MIUI Lockscreens im Video 26 Jun 2011 | 02:00 am
10 Tage ist es nun her, da wurden hier die neuen Lockscreens der MIUI-ROM vorgestellt. Es waren fest definierte Lockscreens, welche vom Umfang und von der Vielfalt her schon beeindruckend waren. Aller...
[Update 4] MIUI-ROM 1.1.14 [DE#3] 15 Jan 2011 | 06:00 am
Wie ungefähr alle 7 Tage gab es auch heute wieder ein Update für die MIUI-ROM. Viele Änderungen scheint es diesmal nicht zu geben, aber vor Allem in der Performance hat sich etwas getan. Zudem wurden ...
Прошивка MIUI 4.0 - Beta 1 20 Mar 2012 | 07:17 am
MIUI ROM – прошивка, которая заточена под копию интерфейса iPhone. Она имеет сильно модифицированный пользовательский интерфейс, который больше напоминает прошивку от Apple. Она включает в себя дополн...
MIUI Lockscreen Mario dengan bunyi 29 Feb 2012 | 03:55 am
Setiap pengguna MIUI Rom pasti menginginkan kelainan pada theme yang digunakan. Jom cuba lockscreen mario ini. Bagi pengguna MIUI Rom, anda boleh mencuba lockscreen MARIO ini yang kelihatan unik dan r...
Install MIUI on Samsung Galaxy S3 13 Jul 2012 | 06:06 pm
The MIUI ROMs have always provided stunning visuals. The only drawback was that most phones did not get the official ROM and only buggy versions made by other developers where available. But the MIUI ...
Guide Download, Install MIUI Custom ROM on HTC Desire S 2 Aug 2012 | 12:51 pm
MIUI ROMs are famous for their new look, new features, and fast operation. These ROMs are actually a translated version of Chinese’s custom ROMs. One of the developers from XDA has come forward with a...
MIUI ROM (YZKZ900) 17 Sep 2012 | 01:12 am
i have ported it from it is for galaxy ace i can port it for gio too bugs * tethering and portable hotspot * superuser error * and other dow....