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Want to Review the MOMENTUM Anthology for a Blog Carnival? 5 Apr 2012 | 02:15 am

Now that the excitement from the MCON 12 weekend is slowly winding down, we have other business to attend to – we have an ebook for sale and we want bloggers and writers to review it for us on their o...

Change in the Program 2 Apr 2012 | 12:41 am

Due to a family emergency, Abiola Abrams will be unable to attend and present her session.  We wish Abiola love and hope to see her again when we return to NY. We are fortunate to have Therese Schech...

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Portada 3 Jan 2011 | 02:32 am

¿Qué son las Tecnologías de Código Abierto? También conocidas como “software libre”, éstas herramientas son servicios en línea o programas de computadora que se crean con una metodología que permite ...


Sports 360 es el nuevo concepto de EVS para abarcar todos los aspectos relacionados con la producción y difusión de eventos deportivos, desde la retransmisión en directo a la distribución multiplatafo...

Extraterrestre e Intruders dejan alto el pabellón español en Toronto 21 Sep 2011 | 07:47 am

El cine español está echando el resto en los festivales del momento. Tras la buena acogida de ‘Eva’ en Venecia, el pujante Festival de Toronto ha recibido con aplausos ‘Intruders’ de Juan Carlos Fresn...

Una Familia con Suerte Capitulo 140 Telenovela 27 Aug 2011 | 12:33 am

Una Familia con Suerte Capitulo 140 Telenovela, Avance Una Familia con Suerte Caputilo 140 Online, ver estreno Una Familia con Suerte Capitulo 140, canal telemundo, canal televisa,ver capitulos de nov...

Buona Pasqua 10 Apr 2009 | 08:59 pm

Tutto lo Staff di PensieriParole vi rinnova gli auguri di Pasqua, con la speranza che ci possa essere un po’ di serenità anche per gli amici abruzzesi colpiti così duramente nei giorni scorsi. Vi ric...

Il Rito 21 Nov 2011 | 09:49 pm

il giovane Michael Kovak è quotidianamente a contatto con la morte, aiutando il padre nell’impresa funebre di famiglia. Per fuggire da quella tetra realtà e ottenere un’educazione gratuita, Michael en...

Captain America Il Primo Vendicatore 14 Nov 2011 | 10:03 pm

Il giovane Steve Rogers farebbe di tutto per arruolarsi: scioccato da ciò che i nazisti stanno facendo in Europa, non sopporta di starsene con le mani in mano. La sua costituzione fragile, l’asma, l’a...

Cold Hard Facts On Internet Marketing You May Not Like To Hear 3 May 2010 | 07:02 pm

Through the many years I have been involved in Internet Marketing, there have been occasions where I have been victimized and conned. But I am now reaping the rewards as well as inspired in many ways....

Call for beta testers 16 Oct 2010 | 03:41 pm

the first beta version of the upcoming MisterEstate major release will be ready for testing soon. We are searching for users which are interested in testing our new baby. Please contact us via the con...

How to use server side cache engine to increase website performance 3 May 2008 | 12:18 am

Chapter comments how to improve web application and overal website performance using server side caching. Here we talk about several caching models with their pros and cons and examples, also where t...

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