Most monologue cg related news are at:

Note 2012.07.12 – Short Update 12 Jul 2012 | 09:43 pm
It’s been a while since I my last post, school has been busy and job hunting was challenging. But I think maybe it’s time for me to start updating again. I haven’t been writing about things other tha...
[3D] 金魚Kingyo / Goldfish 4 Mar 2012 | 09:52 pm
I finally finish the semester project…there are still lots of places I want to fix but I think I need to call this project end at least for now or I can’t move on to other stuff. I feel that with artw...
More monologue cg related news:
Tutorial: Digital Painting with Photoshop 13 Apr 2011 | 07:04 am
Learn how to use Photoshop to paint photorealistic wildlife, with this new tutorial on CG Arena. The computer graphics website CG Arena ( publishes a free online magazine every other ...
Big Buck Bunny in CG magazine from China 9 Jul 2008 | 01:22 am
Today we received a copy of the CG Magazine -July 2008 #81- all the way from China. There is a review of BBB in it, as well as an interview with Ton. We can’t read it, but it must be quite impressive,...
comment OC i7 2600k avec P8Z68-V PRO ( Résolu ) 24 Jun 2011 | 06:53 am
Bonjour tout le monde . :) tout est dit dans le titre . ma conf Alim corsair 750 W CG MSI 580 GTX OC CM P8Z68-V PRO Memoire DDR 3 Proco i7 2600k Merci pour vos réponses s...
Servidor KZ n' cg maps 21 Sep 2008 | 05:14 am
IP: NOME: [] #wakeup4life kz n' cg maps SLOTS: 16 AMX: ON ADMINS - niel - malamen - ArNaldO - Sueco / maareq - Jinx - leitinho
Jay Leno uses Outside 27 Mar 2010 | 01:58 am
In the opening monologue of the Tonight show the 23rd of March, Jay Leno talks about having “Spring on his iPhone” in an app where he can see how the weather looks like Outside. In the opening monolo...
CG cookie - Creating a Fire Dragon with FumeFX in 3Ds max [2012, ENG] 10 Apr 2012 | 04:54 pm
In this Citizen video for 3ds max, we’ll explore more FumeFX, and this time we’ll take a look at how to use it with deforming objects as an animatre character. We’ll pick the Dragon sample scene that ...
Rio Wins Box Office Weekend Again 25 Apr 2011 | 07:40 pm
The weekend box office saw the power of animation again as both Rio and Hop took the #1 and #4 spots respectively and Rio, the CG animated story of some love sick birds kept it’s #1 spot for the secon...
$25 CG bust commission (OPEN) 18 May 2011 | 02:44 am
$25 CG bust commission (CLOSED) 3 May 2011 | 03:02 am
Règlement de Bonne Conduite Classique sur Circuit. 14 Jan 2006 | 04:20 am
Règlement de Conduite générale (CG) - CG-1 Vous devez concourir de façons juste et honnête. - CG-2 Vous devez vous efforcer de conduire de façon responsable de manière à ne pas ruiner le plaisir de ...