Most mortis operandi related news are at: – Angela Benedetti | Writing and Reading, Romance and Erotica

Free Art 20 Aug 2013 | 08:50 pm

The Getty Museum has released 4600 pieces of art to be freely used — including commercial use — so long as the museum is credited. Whee, book covers! If you’re indie pubbing and doing your own cover a...

Captive Magic Cover 18 Aug 2013 | 10:25 am

I got my cover for the third Sentinel novel, Captive Magic, and permission to show it off. The book is due out on 4 September, and I’m excited to see what people think of it. Teleporter Breck Bayes ...

More mortis operandi related news:

Mortis Operandi is Here! 17 Dec 2012 | 07:23 pm

Well, I’m back from Bhutan, Nepal, and Tibet — what a fabulous trip! I’ve put some photos up on Facebook, and I’ll try to get an album or three up on Picasa someday soon…. While I was gone, Kfir Luzz...

Living to Love 31 Jan 2012 | 11:50 pm

For those who know, I am a birth-first mother who has experienced two unplanned pregnancies–one in adulthood and one in my teens. I have always had a “modus operandi”–a way of handling difficult thing...

Where can I purchase a Maid Outfit? 9 Aug 2011 | 12:40 pm

Morty asked: Anybody know of any stores or places online where I can purchase Maid Outfits? rather not have it be like, cropped in the front like off the shoulder thing. The skirt has to be poofy Ei...

Tohorror Film Fest 4 Nov 2011 | 02:10 am

Si svolgerà dal 8 al 12 Novembre a Torino, il Tohorror Film Fest. Attese anche qui schiere di non-morti su grande schermo e spettatori, opportunamente truccati. La città piemontese è universalemnt.....

Bando Nero Zombie 1 Nov 2011 | 10:30 pm

L’Associazione Culturale Nero Cafè indice il bando di concorso Nero Zombie, selezione letteraria per romanzi di genere Horror aventi come tema gli zombie, altrimenti detti morti viventi. Le opere do....

Giovani sportivi muoiono 22 May 2012 | 04:38 am

Ultimamente abbiamo assistito a delle morti sconvolgenti di giovani e brillanti sportivi. Ci hanno commosso, addolorato e spaventato per la loro lacerante arresa della vita. Soprattutto ci disorie...

Storage Building Plans/ greenhouse 22 May 2012 | 10:22 am

Now that Yoh is finally back in action, he was prepared to put a stop to Zeke’s plans once and for all with the help of his friends since they are all in this together. since Morty did well in keeping...

Sexual Harassment: The Young Black Male’s Forced Legacy and Perceived Modus Operandi 12 May 2012 | 02:32 pm

After a long day, last week, I sat down with a cup of coffee to find out the latest news. As I was searching the web, I came across an ABC News article titled “First-Grader Suspended for singing ‘I’m ...

What the Judah Bible Curriculum will do for your Students 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm

"Americans need to read the Bible. Even more, they need to study it. It is the cornerstone of freedom, the foundation of idealism, and the modus operandi of abundant living." -Billy Graham Bible stud...

Come trasformare le ceneri dei morti in perle 15 May 2012 | 07:35 pm

I cari defunti stanno diventando sempre più preziosi, nel senso materiale del termine. A testimoniarlo è la vicenda legata alla ditta sudcoreana Bonhyang che ha ideato una tecnica per trasformare le c...

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