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Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent 2 May 2012 | 06:30 am
Ultrasonic Dog Deterrents - Do They Workc Noisy and unruly dogs can make your life miserable. Even a friendly dog can be a nuisance if you are allergic and need to keep your distance. Training collar...
Durham Dog Sitting: “My dog is not only safe but well exercised and loved!” 25 Apr 2012 | 09:35 am
Durham Dog Sitting: “My dog is not only safe but well exercised and loved!” Ginger’s Lab/Shepherd mix, Summer, is one friendly dog – as long as you’re not a squirrel. She’s also my training partner f...
Play tough and sleep well! 17 Sep 2009 | 02:05 am
West Paw Designs has taken the eco-friendly dog market by storm. Their Eco Friendly Toys, Beds, and Apparel are an evolution in style, in concept, in color. In an age of disposability, these products ...
China Glaze I'm Not Bitter. I need a DUPE! 23 Jun 2010 | 08:03 pm
Sorry, I was away from my blog again. Had so many things going on, including "baby sitting" our friends' dog for almost 3 weeks, planning a bridal shower for my best friend, searching for THE dress (c...
Oh glory days 18 Oct 2010 | 05:08 pm
Monday is always a good day to start your exercise regime so you start the week off in the right way. Grab your walking shoes, your friend, dog, child or partner and take advantage of Sydney’s gorgeou...
Dogs, a cats best friend, adorable animal pictures 4 Oct 2008 | 09:07 am
How cute are these pets? Everyone always assumes that dogs and cats really do not get along, but looking at these adorable couples, you would think them the best of friends. Dogs are not only man’s b...
Family members Photographer – Tips on finding the Perfect Long term Print 31 May 2012 | 08:38 am
When you might be asked for taking photographs regarding families they will want to add in their furry friend dog, either Dexter Yarbrough main class or untreated. Unusual celebrity author Janet Nguye...
How much does that doggie in the window really cost? 25 Jun 2012 | 01:37 am
How much does that doggie in the window really cost? (ARA) – If you’ve ever taken in a kitten found on the street or adopted a puppy from an unplanned litter a friends’ dog had, you know there is no ...
Mama Tried & Marc Borde (ft. Tina Fuller & Matt Beard) @ The Beach Hut 13 Aug 2012 | 06:48 am
Mama Tried & Marc Borde (ft. Tina Fuller & Matt Beard) @ The Beach Hut – Galveston Free Show. 3pm-7pm. Family Friendly. Dog Friendly. The Beach Hut Galveston 731 Seawall, Galveston, Texas 77550 http:/...
Twitter Updates for 2012-09-25 26 Sep 2012 | 01:46 am
Amazing dog video – dog saves a friend dog on highway # Dog saves four newborn kittens from fire # Powered by Twitter Tools