Most motherboard i3 and pentium related news are at:

IMB-181 - Mini-ITX Industrial Motherboard with Intel Q87 Chipset for 4th Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 Desktop Processors 8 Jun 2013 | 05:53 am
Recommended Processors: 4th Generation Intel Core processors (22nm process technology) - Intel Core i7-4770S (8M Cache, up to 3.9 GHz); 65W - Intel Core i5-4570S (6M Cache, up to 3.60 GHz); 65W $0...
IMB-780 - ATX Industrial Motherboard with Intel Q87 Chipset for 4th Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 Desktop Processors 8 Jun 2013 | 05:53 am
Recommended Processors: 4th Generation Intel Core processors (22nm process technology) - Intel Core i7-4770S (8M Cache, up to 3.9 GHz); 65W - Intel Core i5-4570S (6M Cache, up to 3.60 GHz); 65W $0...
More motherboard i3 and pentium related news:
Upcoming Core i3 and Pentium Haswell CPUs are available for pre-order 19 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
At Computex show earlier this year Intel launched first desktop microprocessors, built on Haswell microarchitecture. The initial wave of desktop chips was comprised mostly of quad-core products, price...
New embedded Haswell CPUs for socket 1150 sighted 15 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Intel is going to release first Haswell Core i3 and Pentium desktop processors next month, followed by Haswell Celerons in Q1 2014. Along with consumer mid-class and budget CPUs, the company plans to ...
Intel Haswell Core i3, Pentium chips detailed 27 Aug 2013 | 03:31 pm
A new family of Core i3 and Pentium processors are set to dominate the budget market.
MyGaming Intel Haswell Core i3, Pentium chips detailed 27 Aug 2013 | 04:20 pm
Intel Haswell Core i3, Pentium chips detailed A new family of Core i3 and Pentium processors are set to dominate the budget market.
Proizvođači ploča se fokusiraju na H81 27 Aug 2013 | 04:08 pm
Intel se priprema da predstavi svoje Haswell bazirane procesore srednjeg opsega i one za jeftinije modele u okviru Core i3 i Pentium opsega u septembru mesecu i proizvođači matičnih ploča su počeli da...
Появились цены на процессоры Haswell Core i3 и Pentium 27 Aug 2013 | 11:14 am
На выставке Computex этого года компания Intel продемонстрировала процессоры нового поколения с микроархитектурой Haswell.
Pentium Haswell dans le détail 18 Jun 2013 | 06:23 pm
Trois processeurs Pentium Haswell devraient être lancés au troisième trimestre de cette année (en même temps que les Core i3 Haswell) : Pentium G3430 : 2 cœurs ; 3,3 GHz ; 3 Mo de cache, TDP 54W, DDR...
MyGaming Intel Haswell Core i3, Pentium chips detailed 27 Aug 2013 | 04:20 pm
Intel Haswell Core i3, Pentium chips detailed A new family of Core i3 and Pentium processors are set to dominate the budget market.
Paaiškėjo „Haswell“ architektūros dvibranduolių „Core i3“ ir „Pentium“ procesorių kainos 21 Aug 2013 | 07:20 pm
„Intel Haswell“ pardavimų verslui tik įsibėgėjant, „Core i5“ ir „Core i7“ šeimų atstovai ne vienam pirkėjui atrodo kiek per brangūs, todėl su nekantrumu dairomosi į rugsėjo-spalio mėnėsį turinčius pas...
Akció 2013.09.01-ig ASUS X301A-RX232H notebook 13.3 PDC 2020M 4GB 500GB Win8 sötétkék --- 122 555,00 Ft 22 Aug 2013 | 01:38 pm
Core és trade; i3 vagy Pentium és trade; processzor beépített grafikus vezérlővel, és akár 4 GB DDR3 videomemória a lenyűgöző játék- és multimédiás kimenethez 13.3" LED-backlit TFT LCD Display