Most multi select jquery related news are at:

Dancing with Data 25 Apr 2012 | 03:25 pm
The goal was to implement a data-driven visualization where the output image is determined by the data and visualization state, such as filters and selected variables. Once users modify either the sta...
VVVV.js 1 Sep 2011 | 08:45 pm
VVVV.js is an open project, which aims to bring the visual programming language VVVV to your web browser, by porting its “runtime parts” to JavaScript. This enables your web browser to run VVVV files ...
More multi select jquery related news:
BIRT: Running a Multi-Select Parameter Report from Java 6 Mar 2012 | 05:54 am
Below is an example of how to call a multi-select parameter report from Java using the BIRT Report Engine API. The XML for the report design is below.
Multi Select Attribute über die Magento API hinzufügen und editieren / Teil 3 – NETZKOLLEKTIV CoreAPI Extension für Magento 28 Feb 2012 | 10:48 pm
Deutsch Magento bietet von Haus aus Multi-Select Attribute an, mit welchen einem Produkt mehrere Werte aus vorgegebenen Optionen zugewiesen werden können. Über das Backend können diese problemlos ange...
Joomanager v1.3.1 - Updates and Bug Fixes 2 Jun 2011 | 12:00 pm
We've made several updates to bug fixes for the component via the forum some of these and others are included in this new version: Drop down multi select now works for items If custom field is left ...
ctNotify – A Flexible Multi-Instance jQuery Notification Script 15 Aug 2011 | 11:58 pm
I am pleased to announce the release version of my jQuery notification script. I have made this long time ago, but finally I have polished it enough to be made available to the public. This is a queue...
New Features – May 2011 (v4.15) 7 May 2011 | 01:50 pm
Subscribe to Comments – get an email notification when someone responds to your comments Multi-select obects – Move multiple objects (text, images, etc) in a room at a time New Keyboard Shortcuts R...
Multi Select Attribute über die Magento API hinzufügen und editieren / Teil 3 – NETZKOLLEKTIV CoreAPI Extension für Magento 28 Feb 2012 | 05:48 pm
Deutsch Magento bietet von Haus aus Multi-Select Attribute an, mit welchen einem Produkt mehrere Werte aus vorgegebenen Optionen zugewiesen werden können. Über das Backend können diese problemlos ange...
ctNotify – A Flexible Multi-Instance jQuery Notification Script 15 Aug 2011 | 07:58 pm
I am pleased to announce the release version of my jQuery notification script. I have made this long time ago, but finally I have polished it enough to be made available to the public. This is a queue...
Update! CutePress – die bessere QML-Umsetzung von WordPress 31 Aug 2012 | 01:15 pm
Endlich hat sich ein Entwickler gefunden, der uns eine stabile Up-to-Date Version von WordPress ermöglicht. Update auf Version 2.0: Added stats capability Added multi-selection for delete/spam ope...
Aurigma Up’s new Version 1.6 lets you offer your website’s users easy multi-selection file uploads 11 Sep 2012 | 11:35 am
Aurigma Up is hands down the best mobile uploader you can provide for your website’s users, and the newest version is even better with the addition of the multi-selection file uploader! In earlier ve...
Galeria de Fotos Free – PHP MySQL Upload Múltiplo Jquery 27 Oct 2012 | 07:50 pm
Galeria de Fotos PHP + MySQL + Upload Múltiplo + Multi Usuários + JQuery + ColorBox / LightBox / FancyBox Fala aê! Depois de muitos download, comentários e dúvidas eu volto para adicionar mais uma g...