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More multiple bookmarking account strategy related news:
Avoid Duplicate Content By Spinning When A User Shares Another User’s Bookmark Across Multiple Sites [is now completed] 16 Nov 2012 | 04:19 am
Problem Ref: dbb01: Priority: High Problem Description: When a single user shares another users bookmark and it is submitted to multiple bookmarking accounts registered by the sharing user, it look...
Gmail shorcut that automatically logs into your gmail account and logs out of your other gmail account when you have multiple accounts 28 Nov 2011 | 07:23 am
Google GMail Bookmark that Logs In You can create a bookmark that automatically logs you into your Google Email (GMail) account. This gives you a quick link to your email and also gives you an easy wa...
Figures demonstrate continuing competition between Yahoo! and Google 22 Aug 2013 | 09:17 pm
New figures that show that Yahoo! websites attracted more US visitors than Google websites in July have highlighted the importance of having an optimisation strategy that accounts for multiple search ...