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What is Guest Link feature in SharePoint Online 2013? 16 May 2013 | 07:45 am
The Guest Link feature of SharePoint 2013 allows you to share individual documents, files and folders with out side users. You can invite people from outside your organization to collaborate and share...
How to repair damaged MyISAM tables? 9 May 2013 | 01:40 pm
MyISAM tables in MySQL becomes corrupted due to various reasons like hardware fault, sudden system shutdown or server crash. Due to corruption you may lose all your hard earned data. So it is importan...
More mysql sql repair related news:
Lowongan Kerja untuk PROGRAMER 25 May 2012 | 09:54 pm
1. Web Programer Web (PHP, ASP, MySql, SQL Server)/GIS. Pendidikan Min.D3 Informatika Lamaran dikirim ke : Puri Cipageran Indah 2 B9 No.3-4 Cimahi atau email ke : 2. Website Prog....
Programación a medida: (php – javascript), bases de datos (MySQL – SQL), lenguajes de etiquetado (XHTML – XML) y estilos (CSS) 21 Jan 2012 | 07:07 am
Los programas comerciales tienen una ventaja: son relativamente económicos. Pero tienen una gran desventaja: ¡eres tú el que debe adaptarse al programa! Al principio todo puede ir muy bien pero con el...
MySQL for Japanese Character 14 Nov 2011 | 10:13 pm
Things to remember in setting MySQL for Japanese Character: Set DATABASE, TABLE and COLUMN using charset utf8_general_ci. Tell mysql sql client to talk in utf8 charset. Put mysql_query("SET NAMES 'u...
Kurztipp: Mit Bash neuste Datei(en) in einem Verzeichnis finden 1 Apr 2011 | 02:52 am
In meinem Fall möchte ich den aktuellsten MySQL-Dump ermitteln. ?View Code BASHls -tl /var/backups/mysql/*.sql.gz|head -n1|awk '{print $8}' Um z.B. die drei aktuellsten Dateien zu finden, verwendet ma...
Como cachear una página web en PHP 29 Sep 2011 | 03:19 pm
Original de JaviVicente Todos sabemos las ventajas y desventajas que tiene cachear una página web, principalmente ventajas cuando trabajamos con bases de datos (MySQL, SQL Server, etc) aunque desventa...
AnySQL Maestro 12.5 released 10 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 12.5, a powerful tool for managing any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, A...
Navicat Premium Enterprise v10.0.4 MacOSX 27 Nov 2011 | 10:40 pm
Navicat Premium Enterprise v10.0.4 MacOSX | 32.66 MB Navicat Premium is a multi-connections Database Administration tool allowing you to have relation to MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreS...
mysql | Importare un file mysql (.sql) da riga di comando 22 Jan 2010 | 03:53 am
Come importare un file .sql se avete accesso alla riga di comando
[full-time] Database Administrator/Designer at STMPI Corporation 12 Nov 2012 | 07:20 pm
Location: Pampanga Description: Required Skills & Experience: – 5+ years in MySQL/SQL Server (2008 an advantage) – Designing/maintaining database schema – Data migration – Design, Build & Maintenance...
Cài đặt và cấu hình Symfony2 trên Windows 25 Mar 2013 | 05:49 am
Symfony2 là một PHP Framework hướng đối tượng được đánh giá là có hiệu năng cao và mạnh mẽ. Có thể tích hợp với nhiều hệ quản trị CSDL khác nhau: MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB… Theo cá nhân mình thấy, h...