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Grophland : Hungry Krait! 27 Aug 2013 | 04:09 pm
Look at those eyes! This Hungry Krait is desperate for the taste of Groph Pears! Log onto Grophland now and help her get her fill. Hungry Sanik is the second Canvas based game on Grophland (we hope y...
The biggest ongoing disaster in the United States you haven't heard of 27 Aug 2013 | 06:32 am Quote: Called 'The biggest ongoing disaster in the United States you haven't heard of' by Daily Kos, this is something that is actually happenin...
More neopets 8bit pet related news:
Pet birthdays now on pet lookups 22 Aug 2013 | 04:20 am
Have you ever wanted everyone to know exactly when your neopet's birthday is? Well, you're in luck! Neopet birthdays are now proudly displayed on your neopet's pet lookup (right under how many days ol...