Most nokia slogan connecting people related news are at:

Can you think out of the box? 27 May 2013 | 01:51 pm
Here is an interesting topic. No matter where you are, in school or at work, you will hear talk about “thinking out of the box”? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it – how did we get in the box in the … Conti...
Can you think out of the box? 27 May 2013 | 01:51 pm
Here is an interesting topic. No matter where you are, in school or at work, you will hear talk about “thinking out of the box”? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it – how did we get in the box in the … Conti...
More nokia slogan connecting people related news:
“No Connection” if not Nokia 31 Jan 2013 | 04:58 pm
Brand Trust in India has voted Nokia as India’s most trusted brand for the year. In India, Nokia holds a strong stand among the general public. The tag line of Nokia, “Connecting people” holds apt and...
[Review] What Makes Nokia Lumia 920 Worthy 16 Apr 2013 | 09:09 am
With the advancement of the popular brands and the companies, one of the punier firms of the cellar company having the motto of “Connecting People” has newly launched Nokia Lumia 920 in the year 2012....
Une vidéo de Miles Crawford met en lumière le besoin vivre les moments plutôt que de les capturer 27 Aug 2013 | 03:19 pm
On vit dans une monde numérique qui est complètement connecté. « Connecting People » comme disais le géant Nokia. Je ne vais pas me plaindre puisque j’adore cette « société » numérique. J’y puise de l...
Nokia: Connecting People, Disconnecting Kimblim 10 Jun 2013 | 03:15 pm
I januar måned gjorde jeg noget, som jeg havde “truet” en del af min omgangskreds med jeg ville gøre: jeg solgte min smartphone (på det tidspunkt en Nokia Lumia 900 med Windows) og gik tilbage til en ...
Une vidéo de Miles Crawford met en lumière le besoin vivre les moments plutôt que de les capturer 27 Aug 2013 | 03:19 pm
On vit dans une monde numérique qui est complètement connecté. « Connecting People » comme disais le géant Nokia. Je ne vais pas me plaindre puisque j’adore cette « société » numérique. J’y puise de l...
Nokia – Das sollten Sie als Aktionär wissen! 8 Aug 2013 | 02:42 pm
“Connecting People” war einmal. Heute verbindet Nokia mit einem Marktanteil im unteren einstelligen Bereich weitaus weniger Menschen als noch vor etwa 10 Jahren. Zumindest nicht über die allseits beli...
Nokia N97, world’s most advanced mobile computer 14 Feb 2009 | 01:58 am
Nokia has launched the Nokia N97, the world’s most advanced mobile that will transform the way people connect to the Internet and to each other. The N97 mobile phone carves a new space in the otherwis...
Nokia N8 Unlocked Review 14 May 2012 | 04:09 am
Intuitively connecting you to the people, places, and online services that matter the most to you, the Nokia N8 smartphone debuts the new Symbian^3 operating system, featuring a wealth of personalizat...
Nokia N8 : The Most Reliable 21 Oct 2010 | 11:16 pm
Now a day’s people are tending towards the new mobile models that are efficient along with a high capacity of making the user able to connect and do many of the features along with the basic phone whi...
Nokia 208 Mobile with 3G and Camera : Specification and Price in India 3 Jul 2013 | 12:58 pm
New Nokia 208 Mobile Phone Powered by 3G networks,Series 40 Java OS .The Nokia 208 come with outstanding battery life.Its supports up to 33 days of standby time.This Phone helping people stay connect...