Most norwegian al qaeda camp related news are at:

Syrian rebels take strategic town in Aleppo; If we target Syria, then we must kill Assad; and “Islamophilia: How the Left really fears Islam” 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
The media keeps lying about the Syrian War by making claims that Assad is winning. He is not winning, although he’s had some success in Homs province, the Syrian rebels composed of the Free Syrians Ar...
Barry Goldwater’s ‘Conscience of a Conservative’ Chapter 2 27 Aug 2013 | 12:00 am
Barry Goldwater’s ‘Conscience of a Conservative’ Chapter 1 So…onto chapter 2. ‘The Perils of Power’ Goldwater’s opening paragraph hits with both fists. The New Deal, Dean Acheson wrote approvingly ...
More norwegian al qaeda camp related news:
Terror networks use gambling websites for recruitment, finance 4 Jan 2009 | 06:49 am
Islamist terrorist networks, particularly al-Qaeda, are using gambling websites to launder money and train potential terrorists in Britai n without them having to risk travelling to camps in Pakistan...
Norway: Man embraces islam, plans terrorist acts 27 Jun 2012 | 09:51 pm
But I am sure it has nothing to do with religion. Norwegian man trained by Al Qaeda in Yemen is planning an attack on the West, say security forces A trained terrorist from Norway is awaiting ...
Macedonia: "Al-Qaeda had training camps in Macedonia" 31 May 2012 | 10:01 pm
Macedonia: "Al-Qaeda had training camps in Macedonia" Via B92: Al-Quaeda had three training camps in Macedonia, claims retired professor of the Skopje Faculty of Security Ivan Babamovski. (...) Ba...
Macedonia: "Al-Qaeda had training camps in Macedonia" 31 May 2012 | 10:01 pm
Macedonia: "Al-Qaeda had training camps in Macedonia" Via B92: Al-Quaeda had three training camps in Macedonia, claims retired professor of the Skopje Faculty of Security Ivan Babamovski. (...) Ba...