Most objective-c property related news are at:
CacaoCast Épisode 86 - Vidéos WWDC2012, fish, QuickRadar, Testflight Desktop, ios-ftp-server, XYOrigami 29 Jun 2012 | 07:29 am
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CacaoCast Épisode 85 - WWDC 2012 12 Jun 2012 | 11:28 am
Bienvenue dans le quatre-vingt-cinquième épisode de CacaoCast! Dans cet épisode, Philippe Casgrain et Philippe Guitard discutent des annonces faites à la WWDC 2012. Ecoutez cet épisode
More objective-c property related news:
.Net 3.5 ORM made easy - Part III - Reflection - Custom Attributes.. 18 Mar 2010 | 06:12 am
In the last article, we discussed creating a database manager to handle our abstracted data layer. Today, we will discuss how to use Reflection on a .Net class object's properties tied to custom attri...
iOS dev tip: release your @synthesized properties 12 Sep 2011 | 12:16 am
Automatically @synthesize’d properties need to be manually released. When you declare an Objective-C @property, then use @synthesize to automatically generate setters and getters, it seems intuitive ...
ทำความรู้จักกับ TorqueScript 24 Jun 2010 | 03:05 pm
Object ใช้เพื่อสร้าง instance ให้กับ object โดยประกอบด้วย method และ property การสร้าง Object ใหม่ variableIdentifier = new ObjectIdentifier(Name[:Provience]) [{ [intrinsic_datablock_property] = value...
DistinctBy in Linq (Find Distinct object by Property) 26 Jan 2013 | 09:08 am
In this post I am going to discuss about how to get distinct object using property of it from collection. Here I am going to show three different way to achieve it easily. In this post I am going to ...
Using a Test Object Custom Property as a Function Pointer 4 May 2013 | 10:00 pm
In previous posts (1, 2) we’ve discussed the possibility of using custom TO properties. To recap, such properties can be used to: Enhance QTP’s ability to identify certain object classes; To serve as ...
Objects and Properties 14 May 2013 | 12:42 pm
DOM Revisited The Document Object Model was introduced in basic JavaScript, but we’re going to get more in-depth with it this time. To recap briefly, the DOM is a description of how the objects that m...
DistinctBy in Linq 3 Mar 2013 | 05:00 am
In this post I am going to discuss about how to get distinct object using property of it from collection. Here I am going to show three different way to achieve it easily.
Promise of a post-illegal copy world. Part I: History of Intellectual Property 21 Jan 2010 | 03:02 pm
Lots of Internet forum discussions with various people on the subject of computer piracyillegal copying and intellectual property were my inspiration for this article. Along with the discussions, a l...
Dry Clean Only : Nightclub Apps Review 23 Apr 2010 | 04:50 pm
We decided to review our own iPhone App before we send a media blast out to all the top App Review Sites. We will try to be as objective as possible….LOL To imagine the Dry Cleaning industry is a 20 ...
New version of JoomFish supportfiles released 2 Mar 2010 | 10:39 am
today we have released a new version of JoomFish supportfiles (1.6.1). The new release comes with the possibility to filter ME object translations on the basis of the object id, which makes the whole ...