Most old school chaos dwarfs related news are at:
– The Emperor's Codex
Double Foc love or hate it? 25 Jul 2013 | 04:35 am
So in a odd twist of story line I was able to break away from the chains of the real world and sneak off to throw some dice last weekend. The event was at EGC down in Cincy which is a great store. If ...
The community speaks about 6th edition 9 Jul 2013 | 06:40 am
So I wrote up a little article last week, not even so much of a article more of a quick rant. That's what personal blogs are for right? You post some random pictures, discuss game things you are think...
More old school chaos dwarfs related news:
I’m visiting CNU on April 4th 23 Mar 2012 | 05:48 am
I’ll be in Newport News, Virginia this April 4th to give a talk at my old school, Christopher Newport University. I’m really looking forward to it! The chaos of the past year and a half didn’t leave ...