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Rapporto sicurezza informatica 2012: le minacce arrivano sui social network 4 Feb 2012 | 06:12 am
Sophos ha pubblicato il nuovo rapporto 2012 sulla sicurezza informatica, con risultati non particolarmente incoraggianti, in particolare sui Social Network. E’ stato pubblicato da Sophos, società lea...
Macworld Iworld 2012: in mostra la rivoluzione Thunderbolt 31 Jan 2012 | 06:21 am
In occasione del Macworld/iWorld, la Western Digital (NYSE: WDC), leader mondiale nelle soluzioni di archiviazione esterna, mette in mostra in nuovo sistema storage dual-drive My Book Thunderbolt Duo....
More openoffice vs office 2010 related news:
LibreOffice Teams Up with AMD to ‘Accelerate’ Spreadsheets 5 Jul 2013 | 12:16 pm
AMD joins the likes of Google and Intel on the Open Office Foundation’s advisory board Users of open-source productivity suite LibreOffice, which forked away from in 2010, will soon be...
Oscars vs. Box Office Infographic 2 Mar 2011 | 05:07 am
Tweet The 83rd Academy Awards were held on Monday night where they gave Oscars to the top movies of 2010. Did the Oscars go to the blockbusters at the box office? Our infographic lists the highest gr...
Hug a FSF/GNU Programmer Day! 19 Jun 2011 | 08:16 am
Linux + Google OS + Chrome aim to make the browser the future. Look at Microsoft Office vs. OpenOffice/LibreOffice vs. Google Docs. Notice in US + Canada the browser app is cuttin...