Most painted on my heart related news are at:
Безалкохолизъм (1) - Нищо/Никой 11 Oct 2012 | 03:56 am
никой, никой, който да обвиня, как стигнах дотук, без цел, без мечти, когато имаш, всичко, което си искал, значи си искал твърде малко, или не си знаел какво да си пожелаеш, нормален живот, б...
Безалкохолизъм (1) - Нищо/Никой 11 Oct 2012 | 03:56 am
никой, никой, който да обвиня, как стигнах дотук, без цел, без мечти, когато имаш, всичко, което си искал, значи си искал твърде малко, или не си знаел какво да си пожелаеш, нормален живот, б...
More painted on my heart related news:
Graffiti Portrait 15 Jul 2012 | 06:45 pm
This piece was painted in the heart of Stokes Croft by Colombian street artist Stinkfish. Interestingly this spot was previously occupied by a billboard. Artist: Stinkfish Photo taken: July 15, 2012 ...
Speed Painting Absol 31 Jul 2012 | 02:35 am
LilKrazen Hearts Absol o3o Well, аѕ уου аƖƖ mау һаνе noticed bу now, I οחƖу υѕе MS Paint fοr m...
December 2012 – Paint from the Heart and Influence the Emotions 22 Jan 2013 | 03:01 am
IN THIS ISSUE: - Paint from the Heart and Influence the Emotions - Newsletter Testimonial - Painting with PASSION Art Workshops - Guest of Aquarellades - North of England DVD Review
The Hundred Hearts 16 Mar 2013 | 04:57 am
Is there such a thing as obliquely literal? In this book by William Kowalski, the protagonist’s grandmother crafted cute, hand painted red balsawood hearts that she gave away. If you count the hearts ...
. . . . Ciao, pluvian troat 6 Sep 2007 | 08:55 pm
The king is dead. No, not that king, this one. Luciano’s fight is over. Never again shall his voice fill our ears and hearts. He has become a legend and shall be heard in the booming of thunder, in t...
Jan 31, perception 1 Feb 2011 | 05:28 am
When you are painting a face for example, the parts of the face that protrude (i.e. the nose) should be slightly lighter than the rest of the face. To
Jan 31, Painting stars 1 Feb 2011 | 05:19 am
In one of my compositions, I've wanted to paint stars - and not just as random points of light against the night sky but in constellations. Obviously,
Jan 31, Acrylic paint storage. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:10 am
Acrylics will keep in medicine (pills, tablets) organizers that are easily available at pharmacies. By spraying regularly with water from a spray bottle
Jan 31, Push and Pull Make the background count. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:08 am
In this rose painting I painted water on the background and only when the shine had gone I painted in shapes of the back ground roses (as the paper was
Dark Shadows 12 May 2012 | 08:08 pm
Barnabas Collins is a rich and powerful man. Unluckily, he breaks Angelique Bouchard’s heart. As a witch, Angelique decides to turn him into a vampire and then buries him alive. Two centuries later, h...