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Maintaining to Stay Sober 10 May 2012 | 01:48 am
Finishing off the rehabilitation program is going to take more time and patient than you might think. But as former alcohol addicts always share on the AA meeting, maintaining to stay sober is conside...
KılıçdaroÄlu bugün Hatay'a geliyor 27 May 2012 | 06:02 am
<IMG src= /> CHP Genel BaÅkanı Kemal KılıçdaroÄlu, bugün Ãukurova'da bazı temaslarda bulunmak üzere uçaÄıyla Adana Havaalanı'na inecek... Kıl...
Fair Terms? 30 Sep 2010 | 09:56 pm
I was surprised to read these snippets from some new terms & conditions that The AA is planning to implement for their breakdown cover program. Only the first purchase made by the customer will be pa...
அத்தை மடி மெத்தையடா 11 May 2006 | 10:38 pm
என் பெயர் ராஜா. எனக்கு ஒரு அத்தை இருக்கிறா. அவங்களைப் பற்றி சொல்றதுன்னா செக்ஸ் பாம் என்று ஒரே வார்த்தையில் வர்ணிக்கலாம். அவ்வளவு அழகானää செக்ஸி ஃபிகர். எனக்கு 14 வயதாக இருக்கும்போதே எங்க தாய் மாமா அத்...
Panasonic ZS20 長鏡頭+ GPS 旅遊機(二)創意控制與旅行中的建築攝影 27 Apr 2012 | 11:15 pm
(續前文)由於洽談試用 ZS20 的過程中,我正在協助推廣「戰後蘭陽建築展」主題之旅,廠商覺得用建築攝影來表現這款相機的功能,不失為一個很好的示範,因此我又帶著它,在舉辦展覽的蘭陽博物館,進行了一系列測試;後來因為個人的行程,又去了一趟加拿大溫哥華,於是順勢將這次測試的領域延伸到國外,成了「從故鄉到他鄉」的一趟旅程;坦白說,一路上玩相機玩得很開心。ZS20 真是一部有趣的玩具! 蘭陽博物館:3D...
Panasonic ZS20 長鏡頭+ GPS 旅遊機:究極的傻瓜(或聰明?)相機(一) 17 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
距離我上一次,也是唯一的一次為某品牌數位相機寫試用文,已經是兩年前的事了;這兩年來它隨著我走過幾趟難忘的旅程,當然也留下不少好相片,仍然是非常值得推薦的數位單眼入門機。 話說回來,這兩年正好也是類單眼或小單眼相機推陳出新、引領風潮的時代,我雖未再參與任何一款測試,倒是先後自費買了兩台,做為輕便的隨身機。原本短期內並沒有再被新產品勾引,不過最近因為和廠商洽談攝影旅遊社群合作時,意外得知一款新的數位...
Nanya boarding pass and Airport tax for International flight 25 May 2012 | 05:21 pm
Gan ane want to ask if the rise of international routes that AA terminal 3 yah? boarding pass must pay 40,000 or airport tax 150 000 who wrote? Or pay for both? Understandably gan newbie hehe Travel...
Some had to sleep in the Beijing airport? 19 May 2012 | 11:16 pm
AA arbitrarily divert the flight to KL KL-Tianjin-Beijing, but ane already paid hotel in Tianjin. The problem, ane so arrive early morning hours of 1 at the Beijing airport. And to save money, plan ...
Kredietbeoordelaar verlaagt niveau Spanje en Italië 8 Oct 2011 | 05:06 am
Kredietbeoordelaar Fitch heeft vrijdag de kredietwaardigheid van zowel Spanje als Italië verlaagd vanwege de Europese schuldencrisis. Het Spaanse kredietniveau daalt van AA+ naar AA- en Italië zakt va...
Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 Digital Camera Review 2 Nov 2009 | 09:19 am
We just picked up a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 digital camera for my lovely and talented wife. This new camera is a replacement of her old Casio Exilim EX-S600, which has been acting up over the past few...