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India loves Pakistan 27 Aug 2013 | 06:09 am
Photo: Joshuahsong/ Flickr By Daniel Hills Amrit Sharma is a software engineer with one soul purpose in life: to allow love with no boundaries. Sharma, native Indian and entrepreneur, founded IndiaL...
In A Conflict Environment, Look To Universal Principles Of Law 24 Aug 2013 | 08:30 am
Photo: Inkyhack/Flickr By Sakena Yacoobi I founded the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) in 1995 in the refugee camps of Pakistan when there were over 7.5 million refugees. Although the Soviet Uni...
More peace middle school related news:
Local bike collection drive 29 Apr 2011 | 08:42 am
Do you have a bike that’s just sitting around? You’ve got two more hours and one more day to take it over to Platt Middle School and donate it to Community Cycles’ Bike Collection Drive. Look at how ...
Math and technology 19 May 2012 | 04:05 am
How can universities lead prospective teachers of secondary and middle school mathematics to realize the empowering function of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics and make them to ...
Feb 1, Paul's ACL Expericence 2 Feb 2012 | 12:00 pm
I am a Forty year old middle school teacher. Two years ago, (December of 2009) I completely tore my right ACL while coaching my basketball team. I was
Introducing 14 Clicks: Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur 1 May 2011 | 07:00 pm
Last December I realized that I made a big mistake with JuniorBiz. I’ve talked to hundreds of high school and middle school students and I found that most of them are curious about entrepreneurship b...
Debra Lafave Pedo Middle School Teacher 7 Aug 2009 | 03:33 pm
Debra Lafave Pedo Middle School Teacher Debra Lafave was arrested for numerous sexual encounters with a teen in her classroom, her home and her SUV. Charged with 4 felony counts of lewd and lasciviou...
Maria Guzman Hernandez Pedo Middle School Teacher 29 May 2009 | 04:00 pm
Maria Guzman Hernandez Pedo Middle School Teacher Maria Guzman Hernandez , Florida, a 32-year-old sixth-grade teacher at Our Lady of Charity Catholic School in Hialeah, Fla. has been arrested for rep...
Jessica Bailey Wishnask Pedo Middle School Teacher 29 May 2009 | 03:44 pm
Jessica Bailey Wishnask Pedo Middle School Teacher Jessica Bailey Wishnask of Leland was arrested and charged with indecent liberties with a minor. Police say a patrol officer spotted a suspicious v...
Middle school students find cave on Mars 18 Jun 2010 | 07:00 am
Middle school students find cave on Mars Summary: Using THEMIS, middle-school science students discover what may be a hole in the roof of a lava tube cave on Mars. They went looking for lava tubes....
Iris and the Dragonflies Book Review 17 Feb 2012 | 05:55 am
I just finished reading one of the best books for middle-school children that I’ve read in a very long time called Iris and the Dragonflies. It’s one of those books that’s interesting to all ages. ...
the sound of music at carnegie hall (2012) and at brookpark middle school (1982) 27 Apr 2012 | 03:49 am
Tonya, Alan and I sing, circa 1982. If it's true that our lives radiate out from a central point, which becomes the frame of reference for everything we do later in life, that moment for me would lik...