Most penn west energy trust related news are at:

Young & sleepless 16 May 2013 | 06:12 am
In volunteering to help Calgary host the WPC 2013 Youth Forum, Cody Parrish gets more than he bargains for When Robin Greschner, the chair of the Youth Committee of the Canadian Association of the Wo...
Rising Stars, Class of 2013 18 Apr 2013 | 01:44 am
Ahmed Taha, Vice-president, Oil Sands Operations, Tervita Corporation In the last year of university, while taking course overloads to finish early, Ahmed Taha was also working part-time at an Edmont...
More penn west energy trust related news:
Penn West lays off 550 23 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
More than 300 head office and field staff have been laid off this week by Penn West Petroleum Ltd. as the former energy trust’s new leadership reins in costs. In a news release late Thursday, the Cal...
Help With Insulation Costs For Residents 11 Mar 2011 | 03:55 am
The Energy Saving Trust West Midlands advice centre and the Telford and Wrekin Council have joined forces with Shropshire Insulations to offer local residents the chance to save on their energy bills ...