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Perfect World 16 Mar 2010 | 11:33 am

Perfect World - эпическая ролевая онлайн игра, где созидательная мудрость древневосточных мифов причудливо сочетается с разрушительным желанием заново переписать историю мира. Герою предстоит стать тв...

Cheat Perfect World 100% work 12 Aug 2011 | 06:39 pm

Cheat of Perfect World private server, Indonesia was appointed to the perfect world. This cheat can be used all the servers of Perfect World Indonesia from Click Here to use a cheat

Perfect World France - MMORPG Fantastique Gratuit en 3D 6 Dec 2011 | 04:00 am

Perfect World est un MMORPG gratuit et désormais également disponible en français. Parmi les français MMORPG en ligne gratuit, "Perfect World" a mérite une place parmi les meilleurs jeux gratuits. "...

Perfect World International: Genesis 13 Feb 2011 | 03:48 am

Grazie a Perfect World International: Genesis i fans di questo gico di ruolo fantasy online potranno godere di nuove modalità di gioco e nuovi contenuti. Questo gioco per pc è stato creato dalla Perfe...

Perfect World Online Indonesia 25 Nov 2009 | 01:42 am

Perfect World is an MMORPG developed by Beijing Perfect World. It’s already have the Malaysian version and International Version with English language. The Indonesian Version will launched the Beta Ve...

In DG’s Less Than Perfect World 24 Mar 2012 | 04:19 pm

In DG’s Less Than Perfect World 03/24/2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes, it is just three months and twenty three days late, did you forget about “better late than never.” Hope some of you are still continuing...

Tutorial Bot Oracle Perfect World 24 Jan 2011 | 03:17 am

Halo Dewa-Dewi… Mungkin sebagian ada yang bingung menggunakan Bot Oracle untuk game Perfect World. Sebenarnya simple, semoga tutorial singkat ini dapat membantu. Bagi yang belum punya Bot Oracle, bis...

PERFECT WORLD 24 Feb 2011 | 06:26 am

Perfect World adalah permainan 3D MMORPG yang berdasarkan pada Mitologi Cina, yang berada pada sebuah dunia bernama Pangu. Perfect World berfokus pada terbang, dan banyak struktur bangunan dan area y...

Люди!хелп!кто знает игру Perfect Wo... 22 Mar 2009 | 05:56 pm

Люди!хелп!кто знает игру Perfect World? нужна помощ плиззз ­ [Добавить комментарий на] [Завести дневник на]

Tutorial Como Fazer Lojinha no Perfect World 18 Jun 2011 | 04:36 am

Perfect World, é um dos games que mais fui viciado, e por incrível que pareça, muitas pessoas, ficam me perguntando como fazer modo lojinha, então hoje vim aqui para fazer um tutorial explicado, para ...

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