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四川秋遊 ° 20/10 - 27/10 27 Aug 2013 | 03:37 pm

四川秋遊係10月20-27期間有冇人有興趣一齊去成都-九寨溝 -成都 冇咩特定行情可以一齊傾,目的係食飯搭車分擔下 人多都 開心d……目前有3人,希望雙數出發~歡迎隨意樂天健談ge朋友 !!! 機票已出,香港航空10月20號2145飛成都,27號0710成都飛香港 二人出飛優惠2085一 ...

梨山住宿推薦+梨山三日遊行程+梨山賓館 27 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm

這個夏天真的熱到昏頭,我們一家五口討論結果;決定出發往 景色風光宜人,坐擁群山的避暑勝地----梨山賓館、武陵農場、福壽山農場、還有很多綿羊的清境農場開始我們3天2夜暢遊農場的行程,哥哥跟弟弟很愛拍照,我們夫妻特別把心愛的相機交到倆兄弟手上;一到清境2 ...

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ONE BOHOL CAMPAIGN LAUNCH 11 May 2012 | 09:36 pm

Bohol opens its doors wider as the Provincial Government, the Provincial Tourism Council and the Philippine Bohol Arts Foundation Institute (PBAFI) introduced its new tourism campaign during the launc...

LMFAO Concert in Manila, Philippines (Ticket Prices) on April 11, 2012 | Any Free Tickets? 6 Mar 2012 | 04:13 pm

I don't know much about these artist but it is reported that they will be having their first concert here in Manila, Philippines. The concert of the american electro pop duo LMFAO will be held on Apri...

Latest TV Ratings in the Philippines March 4 2012 6 Mar 2012 | 03:49 pm

Looking for the latest (Sunday, March 4, 2012) TV Ratings in the Philippines? Well, for all of us concerned with the rating fights between TV networks, here is a list released by Kantar Media/TNS: Pi...

The Used, The Cab, Cobra Starship and Dashboard Confessional Concert in Manila, Philippines (SMASH Project 2012) 24 Feb 2012 | 01:48 am

The Used, The Cab, Cobra Starship and Dashboard Confessional Concert in Manila, Philippines (SMASH Project 2012) Yes that's right! All of those artists stated on the title were on schedule to visit t...

Holy Week 2012 Schedule Philippines 24 Feb 2012 | 01:13 am

Here is the complete schedule of the Philippine Holy week. Every employee has been waiting for this. Palm Sunday – April 1, 2012 Holy Wednesday – April 4, 2012 Maundy Thursday – April 5, 2012 Good...

Technical News - 16 December 2011 17 Dec 2011 | 06:10 am

U.S. Navy may station ships in Singapore, Philippines December 15, 2011 WASHINGTON/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy said it would station several new coastal combat ships in Singapore and perhaps ...

How I Trade Philippine Stocks While Working in Kuwait 28 Mar 2012 | 09:12 am

Here is the monthly performance and basic instruction how I trade Philippine stocks even if I'm outside the Philippines. How I Trade Philippine Stocks While Working in Kuwait is a post from: Wise... ...

im new hir 5 Mar 2009 | 02:45 am

hey guys im new hir.. need some help.. hehehe Name: lex paolo Age: 20 Sex: Male Location: Philippines Contact No.: 09274021020 E-Mail Address: Yahoo Messenger: glenn_bdboy18...

.. neW hiR 28 Feb 2009 | 06:12 am

Name: synch Age: 18 location: philippines Incode: hi guys ! , currently new here so please give me your guidance ok ! chill guys ,, im out !

sludge and spreadsheets 24 Sep 2010 | 12:00 pm

Its been a long week already. We all have those weeks. I returned home from the Philippines on Saturday night and I had to sort out the finances from launching 2 separate squads at once. It has prett...

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