Most php 301 header related news are at:

Facebook: nuovi aggiornamenti di status con emoticon e interessi 12 Jun 2013 | 03:22 pm
Annunciati un paio di mesi fa, cominciano ad essere attivi su diversi account i nuovi aggiornamenti di Facebook relativi allo status. Come mostra lo screenshot infatti, al momento di aggiornare “What...
Perchè un Publisher Adsense dovrebbe far girare anche Criteo sul suo network 4 Jun 2013 | 02:57 pm
Premetto che sono un grande fan di Google e di tutti i suoi prodotti, e chi mi conosce lo sa bene. Lato advertiser, sono anche un gran fanatico del remarketing di Adwords, che considero uno strumento ...
More php 301 header related news:
PHP 301 Permanent Redirect – Kalıcı Olarak Taşındı Yönlendirmesi 17 Oct 2011 | 06:42 pm
Eğer sitenizi bir alan adından bir alan adına taşımışsanız bunu arama motorlarına anlatmanız gerekir ki arama sonuçlarınız da ona göre düzenlensin ve arama motorundan gelen ziyaretçi sayınız etkilenme...
WordPress模板常用函数汇总 30 Dec 2008 | 05:17 am
基本模板文件 style.css : CSS(样式表)文件 index.php : 主页模板 archive.php : Archive/Category模板 404.php : Not Found 错误页模板 comments.php : 留言/回复模板 footer.php : Footer模板 header.php : Header模板 sidebar.php : 侧栏模板 ...
NewEraCracker's Blog - Which chars string has? - PHP Code 22 Oct 2010 | 09:57 pm
<?php //Set header to plain text content header('Content-Type: text/plain'); //Set string $string =...
PHP 301 Redirect 17 Apr 2013 | 10:42 pm
If you have a website created in PHP and you need to redirect a page, you need a PHP 301 Redirect. And you have 2 different options depending on what exactly you need. You can redirect a single page t...
header("Location:login.php") 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
header("Location:login.php")应该注意的几个问题 header("Location:")作为php的转向语句。其实在使用中,他有几点需要注意的地方。 1、要求header前没有任何输出 但是很多时候在header前我们已经输出了好多东西了,此时如果再次header的话,显然是出错的,在这里我们启用了一个ob的概念,ob的意思是在服务器端先存储有关输出,等待适当的时....
Функция include в шаблоне 22 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
Автор Stanislava в Wordpress - Функция include в шаблоне День добрый. Включаю часть шаблона функцией include. Прописываю <?php include('header.php');?>, в результате чего хэдер включается, но сверху...
List Menu gak tampil dari database 15 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
[code=php] <? ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('#focus [title]').tipsy({trigger: 'focus', gravity: 'w'}); }); </script> <?php echo $header; ?><?php echo $column_left; ?><?php echo $...
CSS Tutorial to build your own CSS website – Part 7 28 May 2012 | 09:18 pm
Part 7 – PHP Require Statements, moving to individual PHP header and footer tags, and custom CSS standalone menus. This is part of an ongoing series of videos to teach the everyday user how to build a...
Remove WordPress Header Tags 21 Sep 2011 | 03:12 pm
Add the code below to your [CURRENT_THEME_FOLDER]/function.php file.
301重定向在网站优化中运用 8 Mar 2012 | 05:24 am
301转向(或叫301重定向,301跳转)是当用户或搜索引擎向网站服务器发出浏览请求时,服务器返回的HTTP数据流中头信息(header)中的状态码的一种,表示本网页永久性转移到另一个地址。 其它常见的状态码还包括,200表示一切正常,404网页找不到,302暂时转向,等等。 使用 301 重定向将您原来网站上的所有网页永久重定向至新网站。 这可以告诉搜索引擎和用户您的网站已永久迁移。是符合搜...