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Guide to Getting PHP 5 to work with IIS 6 with custom identity 5 Apr 2008 | 07:50 am

When you want PHP running in IIS to be able to read/write files on a Windows network share, you could run into a myriad of errors and problems. Hopefully this article will help you get everything work...

Securing the Recommend Us feature in PostNuke/PHP Nuke 29 Mar 2008 | 08:00 am

I've noticed some oddball email bounces stemming from the Recommend_Us module trying to send email to non-existent email addresses. A lot of them would contain spam words which I won't list here. I ca...

More php import large mysql related news:

Importing Large Files into MySQL using phpMyAdmin and CPanel 8 Apr 2011 | 11:02 am

When I need to upload large .sql file (greater than 10 MB) into MySQL using phpMyAdmin, it frequently times out. The annoying the solution is to split the SQL file into several smaller file, but text...

max_allowed_packet error when importing a large database 4 Nov 2009 | 08:57 pm

I got max_allowed_packet error when importing a sql database from the server, anyways, I solved it through setting new values for this “max_allowed_packet”! ok, here it is 1. login to your mysql ac...

Import CVS , Excel or XML file into MySQL with php 28 Feb 2012 | 10:09 am

When we want to insert data into MYSQL which is already present in .CVS (comma separated values) or XML or Excel files. Reading the file row by row (say in PHP) and inserting into MYSQL is very poor s...

SMS Gateway with Gammu PHP MySQL for WINXP 14 Nov 2011 | 10:21 pm

Setelah berkeliling melanglang buana, akhirnya saya menemukan satu software untuk SMS Gateway yang OK dan FREE. FREE is important, isn't it? Pada saat artikel ini saya buat saya menggunakan SIEMENS C...

InnoDB hot backups with MySQL-ZRM for free! 10 Mar 2011 | 11:40 am

Everyone knows how important it is to keep reliable database backups and to have them available and guaranteed to work when things go very wrong. This process has largely been automated by ops people ...

Using simpleXML instead of MySQL for applications that don’t use SQL 27 Jan 2012 | 01:19 pm

There is a large number of online applications which get data from the web and dynamically place it on a web page. One method to do this is PHP and MySQL but it is not the only method. Web developers ...

Configuring Nginx, MySQL and PHP with FastCGI (spawn-fcgi) On Ubuntu 9.10 29 Nov 2009 | 04:01 pm

As lots of blogs and tutorial wrote, Nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is a high-performance HTTP server. The most great and important feature from Nginx is low resource consumption. So that, you can allo...

Import and export data mysql size large 17 Jan 2011 | 05:04 pm

1. MySQLDumper is a PHP and Perl based tool for backing up MySQL databases. You can easily dump your data into a backup file and - if needed - restore it. It is especially suited for shared hostin...

PHP und UTF-8 - eine Anleitung, Exkurs: Wenn die DB durcheinander gerät 10 Jun 2010 | 01:02 am

Manchmal kommt es vor, dass der Import von Daten in die DB fehlschlägt, und man trotz korrektem UTF-8 wieder mit verhunzten Umlauten zu tun hat. In diesem Fall kann die CONVERT-Funktion von MySQL in V...

Adding the DBF dbase extensions in Red Hat Linux/Fedora 8 Feb 2006 | 02:40 pm

The previous two articles showed how to convert and import data from DBF files into MySQL. It's simple enough to enable the dbase extension for PHP for Windows, but if you're using Red Hat/Fedora, thi...

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