Most php regex cheat sheet related news are at:

The Key to Being Acquired By Yahoo 4 Jul 2013 | 03:21 pm
After several months of research, I can reveal a sure-fire way to ensure your new venture is bought up by Yahoo. Many industry commentators have struggled to detect the rhyme or reason behind Yahoo's...
Congratulations to Languagenut: Top 20 EdTech Company 5 Jun 2013 | 01:04 pm
I have been lucky enough to work regularly for the last few months with a great educational outfit, LanguageNut. I have been lucky enough to work regularly for the last few months with a great educat...
More php regex cheat sheet related news:
PHP Regex Cheat Sheet 20 Jan 2008 | 08:36 pm
Special Sequences \w - Any “word” character (a-z 0-9 _) \W - Any non “word” character \s - Whitespace (space, tab CRLF) \S - Any non whitepsace character \d - Digits (0-9) \D - Any non digit cha...
HTTP Host Alteration Attack 16 Jul 2012 | 06:54 am
While I was thinking about certain ways of summarizing CSRF prevention for OWASP PHP Security Cheat Sheet - mixing taint tracking with different request criteria – I found a certain type of attack aga...
Regex Cheat Sheet 8 Apr 2013 | 03:00 pm
Reguläre Ausdrücke (Regex kurz für regular expressions) sind ein mächtiges Werkzeug zur Validierung, Suche in und allgemeinen Verarbeitung von Text.Durch Rückreferenzierung und ähnlichen Features sind...
Web-Authoring Cheat Sheets 28 Nov 2008 | 02:25 am
Ich habe bei Selbstständig im Netz jede Menge nützliche sogenannte Cheat Sheets gefunden, die sich mit folgenden Themen befassen: reguläre Ausdrücke PHP CSS HTML HTML Entities (oh ja die brauch i...
Roundup of PHP Cheat Sheets & Free Quick Reference Guides for PHP 6 Aug 2009 | 02:10 pm
The following article is a list of PHP Cheat Sheets & Quick Reference Guides for PHP Web Designers, Web Programmers, Coders & for Web developers for Quick coding with PHP. These are very helpful for t...
PHP 5.4 Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz Published 26 Nov 2012 | 11:31 pm
I’m happy to announce that my PHP 5.4 Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz was published today. This is a major update to DZone’s existing PHP Refcard with material for PHP 5.4 added. In anticipation of th...