Most php servers and android clients related news are at:

Might be of interest for your next software developments ... 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
A short post this time with a tip for something that might be of interest to you in the near future for your software developments. Everyone who's been using the Android emulator on Windows machine wi...
Dutch stop of the RAD Studio in Action LIVE! event: September 7th, Leiden (close to Amsterdam) with extra conference track. 27 Aug 2013 | 01:47 pm
The Dutch stop of the RAD Studio In Action LIVE! tour is on September 7th. The venue location is via Holiday Inn Leiden Hotels: Haagse Schouwweg 10, 2332 KG Leiden, The Netherlands. It is close to th...
More php servers and android clients related news:
How to Send Message to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) Server Using JSON and PHP 25 Aug 2012 | 10:17 am
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is a free service from Google that helps Android developers to send data from their servers to Android applications on Android devices. GCM is the next generation of Andro...
VPN "L2TP/IPSec PSK" Android / Debian Squeeze 21 May 2013 | 02:13 am
Si vous souhaitez utiliser le client natif Android pour les raccorder via un VPN, j'ai suivi ce mode opératoire : Il m'a fallu p...
Little modification to android client and web/server for gps tracking system written in java 6 Jun 2013 | 04:00 am
Full details [..]
MySQL: headers and client library minor version mismatch 13 Jun 2013 | 05:42 am
昨日在 MySQL Server 遇到使用 Prepared Statements 出現問題, 系統出現以下訊息: headers and client library minor version mismatch 出現問題原因是 mysql server 及 mysql client 的版本不一致, 因為早前透過 yum 更新了 mysql, 但就沒有更新 php, 所以 php 裡面的 m...
PHP: Currency Exchange using XML-RPC client 11 May 2007 | 05:08 am
This is an example PHP code I wrote to demonstrate how to connect to Foxrate Currency Exchange server and retrieve the latest exchange rate. The example uses The Incutio XML-RPC for PHP library. Plea...
Java Server Developer 29 May 2012 | 11:31 pm
Java Server Developer Chief Duties: Development of the game or network server-client program. Requirements: 1. fluency ideally in python or with java or php 2. familiarity with Ice architecture, ...
Android Development: Downloading a file from the web 18 Apr 2011 | 03:10 pm
Downloading a file from the web is a common task for an Android app. For example, if you’re developing a mobile client for a social application that stores profile pictures on a remote server, you mig...
Importing example projects into Eclipse and Aptana 31 Mar 2011 | 12:08 pm
I've received some questions on how to download and view the source code from my article Android Development: Implementing a simple Client-Server model, so I've created a post explaining how to do thi...
Android Development: Implementing a simple Client-Server model 25 Sep 2010 | 01:16 pm
I've recently started playing around with the Android SDK and created some simple apps by using examples from the website. I've also been thinking about how to implement an appli...
Pengenalan PHP 26 Oct 2011 | 11:36 pm
1. Apa Itu PHP? PHP adalah singkatan dari PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor PHP adalah bahasa scripting server-side, artinya di jalankan di server, kemudian outputnya dikirim ke client (browser) PHP dig...