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More php session using url parameter related news:
Get URL Parameters Using Javascript 3 Oct 2008 | 05:46 pm
An easy way to parse the query string in your URL to grab certain values. Get URL Parameters Using Javascript Most of the server-side programming languages that I know of like PHP, ASP, or JSP give ...
Get Multiple Url Parameters with Same Name Using PHP 11 Apr 2013 | 01:10 pm
Now if we get paraname parameter as follow $val = $_REQUEST['paraname']; // Output only last value VALUE4 we can bind all parameters in an array by doing a change in the form from where the values a...
HTTP Parameter Pollution with cookies in PHP 11 Jun 2013 | 03:00 pm
Strange things happen when you parse URL arguments and Cookies in PHP. By using a single square bracket [ or a null byte its possible to rename an HTTP parameter and to set multiple unique cookies in ...
Using remote files in PHP 18 Feb 2007 | 06:18 am
As long as allow_url_fopen is enabled in php.ini, you can use HTTP and FTP URLs with most of the functions that take a filename as a parameter. In addition, URLs can be used with the include(), includ...
URL Multiple Query Parameters Encoded with HTML Entities 12 Sep 2009 | 09:10 am
I came across a situation where a URL with multiple query parameters was encoded using htmlentities() and PHP was not recognizing the query parameters using $_GET. A common case for encoding urls usin...
7+ Useful jQuery Techniques For URLs, Querystrings and Hash Parameters 1 Jun 2012 | 04:55 pm
Normally we use Server side scripts like PHP, ASP, C# to retrieve the information required about our Page URL, QueryString and Hash Parameter. But amazingly it can also be done using Javascript or jQu...