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海外で強い製造企業はグローバルSCMにも長ず - 日本企業が競争力を取り戻すカギはサプライチェーン・マネジメント強化にあり 17 Aug 2012 | 12:44 pm
日本のものづくりが国際競争力を低下させた背景として、グローバル・サプライチェーン・マネジメントの未成熟さがしばしば取り沙汰される。ならば、グローバルで強みを発揮している海外メーカーは、どのようにSCMに取り組み、どこで差をつけているのだろうか。ここでは、「SCM(Supply Chain Management)」という言葉の産みの親とも言われる国際的なコンサルティング・ファーム、PwC PRTMマ...
社内コラボレーション強化に今すぐ取り組むべき理由 - 専門家に聞く、社内コラボレーションの最新トレンド 15 Aug 2012 | 01:49 pm
『The Collaborative Organization(組織におけるコラボレーションの促進)』の著者であるジェイコブ・モーガン氏は、同書において、コラボレーションが社内外に及ぼす好影響を熱心に語っている。同氏に、社内コラボレーションの最新トレンドについて尋ねた。
More pmo related news:
GOTJCPECV (Get Out The JCP EC Vote) 2 Nov 2010 | 05:52 am
Today is the last day to vote in the JCP EC election. If you're a JCP member, you received voting instructions in an email from with the subject line JCP Elections 2010 end November 1! Thi...
MB0049 – Project Management - Set 2 17 Mar 2012 | 06:38 pm
Course MBA – 2nd Semester Subject: Project Management Assignment MB0049 – Set2 Q.1 Providing adequate resource is key to productivity-Comment. Concept of PMO is gaining ground in Project Managemen...
Projetos: PMO Comics 6 Apr 2011 | 11:47 pm
Recebi um link bem bacana do Fernando Oliveira com algumas charges da nossa “tranquila” vida em gerenciamento de projetos, tal como o quadrinho acima. Os textos são em inglês, mas vale a pena dedicar ...
Living the Vida One Percent 15 Apr 2012 | 02:24 am
The PM dropped $45,000.00 on a trip to New York on Labor Day. The PMO thinks it's cool to justify it by saying he reimbursed the treasury. But is it really? Do you have 45k to drop on a weekend trip t...
new-home-slider-BETA2 12 Mar 2011 | 12:55 pm
PowerSteering Software & Tenrox Combine to Form Leading Cloud PPM Provider New company meets broadest range of PPM needs to drive strategic business results. Featured PPM Solutions Business PMOs I...
PCSB requirement Sept 2011 27 Sep 2011 | 02:12 am
Dear All, We have received requirement from PCSB for Various Projects in PMO, SKO, SBO :- 1- Senior General Inspector 2- HSE Inspector 3- E & I Inspector 4- NDT Inspector with UT Set 5. Mechanical &...
5 Tips to Sell Your PMO 16 Dec 2010 | 04:51 am
The rollout of the Project Management Office is best managed by approaching it as a project, even if the ultimate objective of the project is to develop the PMO business case, it would be more effecti...
Delivering Business Value with PMO 6 Jul 2010 | 07:05 pm
An effective IT PMO can deliver breakthrough results in most PM areas including increased throughput, speed & reliability, significant reduction in resource burn-out, higher productivity, leading to h...
Government of Canada Overthrown 6 Mar 2011 | 05:00 am
Nothing raises the blood pressure more at Between Keyboard and Chair than the arrogance of little Stevie Harper and his drones. King Stevie and the PMO have decided there no longer is a Government of ...
Vierte Beta von H2N Mosimage Reloaded ist fertig 18 Jun 2011 | 08:55 am
Behobene Fehler Es wurden in dieser Version zwei Fehler behoben. Im Folgenden sind das: Bilder mit ( bzw. ) werden jetzt (auch) in der lightbox dargestellt. [PMOS-2] Bei leerem Fulltext wird jetzt ...