Most pointer hunting training related news are at:

Advanced Dog Tricks: Teaching Your Dog The High Jump 13 Mar 2008 | 01:22 pm
Training your dog to high jump is not as hard as you may think that it is. After all, dogs love to jump around and have fun; and by doing the high jump they will certainly be having fun!
Scientists decode dogspeak 18 Jan 2008 | 05:57 am
Artificially intelligent Dr. Doolittles can understand dog barks as well or better than humans do. These findings suggest computers might significantly help people comprehend animal communication. Sci...
More pointer hunting training related news:
Elegance… 11 Apr 2013 | 01:47 am
I recently had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful weimaraner boy. Filed under: Photography Tagged: dog, dogs, German Shorthaired Pointer, hunting dog, photography, photos, professional pho...
Elegance… 11 Apr 2013 | 01:47 am
I recently had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful weimaraner boy. Filed under: Photography Tagged: dog, dogs, German Shorthaired Pointer, hunting dog, photography, photos, professional pho...
Training for the Outdoors: Get Ready for Spring! 9 Feb 2012 | 08:20 pm
Easy way to get in shape for hunting season! © 2012 Albert A Rasch and The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles™ Train Your Way to Better Hunting Train for Endurance Y'all remember this post of 2009? I was at 2...
Housetraining Tips For Weimaraners 7 Apr 2010 | 04:41 am
Before any other advance or specialized training such as obedience, agility or training for specific purposes such as hunting dogs, it is important for Weimaraners to undergo housetraining first. Hous...
Train Hunting Dogs | Chandra Ekajaya 2 Jun 2010 | 09:51 pm
Chandra Ekajaya | Train Hunting Dogs Chandra Ekajaya at this opportunity discuss how to train hunting dogs. Hunting dogs help hunters to seek and to hunt the targeted animal. Well trained hunting dog...
Impotance Of Poodle Puppy Training 23 May 2012 | 09:02 pm
Poodles were originally bred in Germany for hunting and pointing. They have been used as show dogs because of their high intelligence level and ultimately because of their beauty. Poodles have beautif...
Pointers on Hitting on the Best Hosting Agencies 15 Feb 2012 | 04:34 pm
Are you on the hunt of the best hosting companies this time? Well, that’s somewhat tricky given that there are so many such agencies around but everybody cannot promise of a superior service. Thus, th...
Vizsla Information and Pictures 26 Jan 2012 | 11:04 pm
Vizsla Information Vizsla is a medium-size hunting dog originated in Hungary. He is also known as Hungarian Vizsla, Hungarian pointer, and Magyar Vizsla. He is the smallest breed of all-round pointer...
Train times v. house prices: the commuter belt, on a graph 14 Oct 2011 | 03:16 am
We’re house-hunting. And for me, like most coders, house-hunting involves lots and lots and lots of screen-scraping. As well as crawling Rightmove listings, I’ve been looking at transport and house-p...
Get 100% Accurate Forex Signals, Free Forex Training and Make Money From the Start! 20 Apr 2010 | 02:03 am
So, you want some Free Forex Training, huh? No problem! And, just because you asked I am going to give so much more than you may have expected. Chances are if you are on the hunt for training in the r...