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In This Issue: July / August 2013 14 Jul 2013 | 12:02 am
The July/August 2013 edition is our annual Communications issue. Highlights from this issue include: • Body Armor Update: 2013 – The 20th Annual Report on the Latest Advances in Ballistic Armor Tech...
In This Issue: May / June 2013 18 May 2013 | 02:39 am
The May/June 2013 edition is our annual Weapons issue. Highlights from this issue include: • Optimizing the Police Shotgun • Precision Guided Firearms Are Here • Critical Space: How to Effectively...
More police and security news related news:
U.N. Warns Member Countries of ‘Flame` Cyber-Spying Malware 30 May 2012 | 08:13 pm
IT Security Network Security News Reviews – eWeek ‘); //document.write(‘ ‘); document.write(‘ ‘); document.write(‘ ‘); HOME NEWS REVIEWS STORAGE SECURITY DESKTOPS/NOTEBOOKS MOBILITY Clou...
Is Everyone Running Naked With Wireless? 29 Aug 2006 | 09:57 am
Despite the constant drumbeat of bad security news, many users believe it's all a bunch of bunk designed to panic them into buying stuff they don't need. They're right. But that doesn't explain why so...
Public Intelligence wrote a new blog post: (U//FOUO) U.S. Army Regulation 190-56 Civilian Police and Security Guard Program 24 Apr 2012 | 01:13 pm
Public Intelligence wrote a new blog post: (U//FOUO) U.S. Army Regulation 190-56 Civilian Police and Security Guard Program The following version of U.S. Army Regulation 190-56 was posted to a websit...
Social Security News 14 Apr 2012 | 07:32 am
Social Security Announces New Conditions for Compassionate Allowances Program. There have been some Leukodystrophies listed. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, today announced 52 new ...
Nayati is found. 4 May 2012 | 01:14 pm
I got d news around 10:30 yesterday morning. My crime assignment editor was informed by d police regarding d news. What a relief. And today im so proud holding d kosmo newspaper as my bff wrote d fron...
Odds and Ends from scraps of thought re: crime and police and security in Baltimore 12 Nov 2010 | 06:49 am
Buz has not posted for a while since he's been a busy beaver with several security-related projects. However, there's been a lot going on in the crime/police/security world in Baltimore (and everywher...
Wind energy's dirty secret | Homeland Security News Wire 15 Oct 2011 | 11:53 pm
Vast tracts of land have been turned into toxic wastelands to fuel the increasing demand for green energy; rare Earth metals like neodymium are critical components in wind turbines and electric cars, ...
Bullet Proof Suggestions 12 Jan 2011 | 10:30 am
This is hopefully going to come handy for police officers, security agents, military personals, etc. The following experiments and recommendations were tested by security professionals from PSS, reco...
Julie Powers Schenecker Kills Kids “for Talking Back,” Say Police – Crimesider – CBS News 3 Feb 2011 | 09:17 am
Julie Powers Schenecker Kills Kids “for Talking Back,” Say Police – Crimesider – CBS News. So, if Julie Powers Schenecker was unable to purchase a handgun her children would still be alive and she wo...
RSA Collaborates with Mobile Technology Partners to Help Assure Trust for Mobile Business 29 Feb 2012 | 07:25 am
RSA Helps Enterprises Embrace Mobility and ‘Bring Your Own Device’ Strategies without Sacrificing Security, News Summary: Developers and providers of next-generation mobile platforms and application...