Most pope makes eye gesture related news are at:

How Secure is Blogger? 12 Aug 2013 | 08:16 am
I'm working on a post in advance, and blogger deletes the first part of the article and then the remainder is deleted. I've never had this happen before. That it has happened now speaks volumes abou...
Avles Beluskes Continuing Roman Catholic Confirmations 6 Aug 2013 | 11:07 am
Due to the again blocking of the Avles Beluskes blogs, I have here reproduced one of his key posts regarding the esoteric name of Mary. From a comment of Douglas Willinger to my previous message "......
More pope makes eye gesture related news:
WINDOWS OF THE SOUL 20 Mar 2010 | 01:15 am
While stance and gesture were primary tools in portraying character, there was also facial make-up and expression. The positioning and movement of the eyes were especially of Edmund Ke...
Three Wake Up Calls In One Week! Always Go to the Funeral - What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like? - The Miracle of Looking Through the Eyes of Anoth... 14 Mar 2013 | 11:33 pm
"'Always go to the funeral' means that I have to do the right thing when I really, really don't feel like it" I have to remind myself of it when I could make some small gesture, but I really don't...