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Pramugari Lion Air "Nakal" dan Narsis 8 Feb 2012 | 04:52 am
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 Released, Contains Fixes for 2011 MacBook Air 17 Aug 2011 | 01:41 pm
Today’s release of Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 includes fixes for the least MacBook Airs from Apple. Changes * Address an issue that may cause the system to become unresponsive when playing a video in Safari...
Apple WWDC 2011 – A feature I’d like to see 6 Jun 2011 | 06:33 pm
(Image courtesy of The air is thick with rumours and predictions. What will be in Lion, iOS5 and iCloud? Everyone is having their say and it makes for interesting reading even if most of ...
FaceTime für Mac OS downloaden 21 Oct 2010 | 08:40 pm
Facetime Logo Auf der gestrigen Presse-Veranstaltung hat Apple neben den Neuerungen im kommenden MacOsX 10.7 Lion, dem neuen iLife 2011 und einem fantastischen neuen MacBook Air die lang erwartete Fa...
PowerNap firmware release for 2011 MacBook Air models released 27 Jul 2012 | 02:27 pm
Recently Apple launched the Mac OS X Mountain Lion and everybody had been excited to try out the new features on their Mac. One of the amazing features in Mountain Lion was PowerNap which keeps Mac al...
PowerNap firmware release for 2011 MacBook Air models released 27 Jul 2012 | 02:27 pm
Recently Apple launched the Mac OS X Mountain Lion and everybody had been excited to try out the new features on their Mac. One of the amazing features in Mountain Lion was PowerNap which keeps Mac al...
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 Released, Contains Fixes for 2011 MacBook Air 17 Aug 2011 | 09:41 am
Today’s release of Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 includes fixes for the least MacBook Airs from Apple. Changes * Address an issue that may cause the system to become unresponsive when playing a video in Safari...
FaceTime für Mac OS downloaden 21 Oct 2010 | 04:40 pm
Auf der gestrigen Presse-Veranstaltung hat Apple neben den Neuerungen im kommenden MacOsX 10.7 Lion, dem neuen iLife 2011 und einem fantastischen neuen MacBook Air die lang erwartete Factime Version f...
MacBook Air kommt nicht aus dem Ruhezustand zurück 9 May 2013 | 09:18 pm
Seit dem Update von Lion auf Mountain Lion waren meine beiden Macs irgendwie mit dem Ruhezustand durcheinander gekommen: Mein iMac (iMac12,1 – Mitte 2011) wachte unvermittelt selbst aus dem Ruhezustan...
OS X Mavericks アップデート前に、Mountain Lionのリカバリーディスクを作成する 26 Aug 2013 | 05:28 pm
今秋リリース予定の「OS X Mavericks(10.9)」に備え、「Mountain Lion(10.8)」のリカバリーディスクを作成しました。 ぼくが現在使用しているiMac (Mid 2011)とMacBook Air (Mid 2012)には、システムディスクが付属しておらず、OSを再インストールする場合は、内蔵HDDやSSDから復元機能を利用する必要があります。 しかし、OSをアッ...