Most progressive enhancement related news are at:

Nine Accessible Steps To Search Engine Optimisation 15 Mar 2010 | 11:54 pm
There are many design considerations when creating or re-designing a Web site. Corporate branding. Providing quality content for your visitors. Ensuring that the site is accessible via a range of d...
Web Perfectionist 25 Feb 2010 | 08:15 am
The Web Perfectionist site was designed by Irina Ponomareva to be clean, elegant, easy to use and accessible to all. We found it to be a very solid, well coded, accessible site.
More progressive enhancement related news:
レスポンシブウェブデザインの画像問題を解決する「Response JS」 6 Apr 2012 | 11:44 pm
配布元:Response JS: mobile-first progressive enhancement in HTML5. ライセンス:MITライセンス 「Response JS」はレスポンシブウェブデザインの画像問題を解決するためのJavaScriptライブラリです。 レスポンシブウェブデザインではPCだけでなくiPhoneやAndroid、iPadなど複数の解像度、画面サイズ向けのデ...
Redesigning the Country Selector - Baymard Institute 12 Nov 2011 | 10:28 am
Using principles of progressive enhancement we turn a standard drop-down into an advanced auto-complete field. This means the drop-down remains accessible, while providing a much better experience in ...
Progressive Enhancement 2.0 7 Apr 2012 | 04:37 am
HTML5 placeholder Attribut und Zugänglichkeit 18 Jun 2010 | 06:48 pm
Angestachelt durch Robert´s Post/Script zu “Adding HTML5 placeholder attribute support through progressive enhancement” und vor allen Dingen einigen Kommentaren habe ich mein eigenes HTML5 Placeholder...
jQuery Mobile alpha released 18 Oct 2010 | 07:33 pm
jQuery team released the much-awaited mobile development framework. Built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI framework, this framework provides a lightweight, progressive enhanced, flexible and th...
מצגות וקטעי וידאו ממפגש המפתחים השלישי 29 Apr 2010 | 11:35 pm
שיפור הדרגתי (Progressive Enhancement) – גישור הפער בין CSS2 ו-CSS3 – זהר ארד מצגת ההרצאה: להורדת הקובץ בפורמט PDF Accessibility with CSS – Lisa Seeman מצגת ההרצאה: להורדת הקובץ בפורמט PPT מקומם...
CSS Drop-Shadows Without Images 9 Apr 2011 | 07:42 am
Drop-shadows are easy enough to create using pseudo-elements. It’s a nice and robust way to progressively enhance a design. This post is a summary of the technique and some of the possible appearances...
Infinite Scroll jQuery Plugin 30 Jun 2008 | 03:20 pm
This plugin aims to progressively enhance your page. Your navigation/pagination elements should be present in the HTML for non-js users, but the plugin will utilize those links to build out a more ric... : iPhone Style Checkboxes 7 Aug 2009 | 04:31 am
Progressively enhance your forms by turning boring old checkboxes into stylish iPhone-style toggle switches.
Getting around the flicker of JavaScript modifying the DOM while the page is loading 19 May 2012 | 07:11 am
When building things with progressive enhancement, I often want the page styled a certain way when JavaScript is on vs off. When you use $(document).ready() in order to modify your page, you may end u...