Most project blank shot related news are at:

If I Could Juggle, This is What I'd Do - Seattle Children's Photographer 21 Jan 2012 | 08:53 pm
Hi friends!!! Can I tell you how much I miss you? I miss being here. I miss writing about real stuff, about the "behind the scenes" part of being a photographer. I know, I left you all and went on to...
Uncle Yef, Unclehood Training by Fire 17 May 2011 | 04:32 pm
My little brother, Geoff, came up to visit last week. We hadn't seen each other in over two years. The last time he had seen Bella, she was nine months old. It was his first time meeting Julietta. It ...
More project blank shot related news:
Blank State – The First Entirely Open Source Project 16 Mar 2009 | 02:58 pm
Blank State aims to answer the question.. “what happens if random people are able to freely unite?” So many companies and individuals boast transparency and the fact that they are putting the customer...
การใช้ ToolBox ของ Torque 3D 13 May 2010 | 12:33 am
ToolBox เป็นโปรแกรมแรกเมื่อเริ่มทำเกมด้วย Torque 3D โดยโปรแกรมจะอยู่ที่ root directory ของ Torque 3D (Torque 3D.exe) หน้าที่หลักของ ToolBox คือ - Project Management - สร้าง project ใหม่แบบ blank proj...
Fiberglass Mold Time Lapse 22 Apr 2013 | 07:24 am
Time Lapse made with a GoPro HERO3 Black camera set at 30 second intervals. This project was shot over 4 and half days with over 4,300 individual photos.
Creating my Books (Part Two) 12 May 2013 | 09:45 pm
So, all the pieces are finished, all the text is written, what next? surely it's nearly finished? A project "Beauty Shot" and story page from "Steampunk Apothecary" Well, next comes the "beauty phot...
Fiberglass Mold Time Lapse 22 Apr 2013 | 07:24 am
Click here to view the embedded video. Time Lapse made with a GoPro HERO3 Black camera set at 30 second intervals. This project was shot over 4 and half days with over 4,300 individual photos.
The Belluno Project 15 Dec 2012 | 05:47 pm
Additonal shots by Itaria Colussi and Andrea Lacota ( ...portrait=0&badge=0&color=ffffff" width="720" height="405" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFu...
VASIMR Kickstarter Project More Than Exceeds Goal! 9 Aug 2013 | 07:50 am
Great news in that the VASIMR Kickstarter project has shot well past the minimum amount needed to fund the project – and there are even 3 days left. They have $73,047 pledged of the $46,000 goal! Gr...
Hosting WCF Service in IIS 21 Sep 2011 | 03:11 am
Create a WCF service 1. Create a blank solution and add a WCF Service Library project to it. For the purpose of this post, I am going to create a simple GreetingService that has a method Greet. This ...
Firefox function location() conflict 3 Apr 2012 | 11:27 pm
When working on adjustment some old IE8 project to Firefox, found curious problem : some page not opened (blank screen) and function location() {… written to address field. Cause that page have define...
Drawing Simple Shapes – Triangle, Square in WebGL 16 Sep 2010 | 11:02 am
Our first assignment asked us to draw simple shapes using WebGL. For this particular project I drew a simple square and triangle. Here is a screen shot of my work. If you have a WebGl capable browser...