Most pvp turkiye related news are at:

Happy New Year 2012 & Happy Lunar New Year 2563~ 26 Jan 2012 | 10:42 am
Dah lama banget ga update ni blog, maklum aja banyak faktor (sebut saja malas 95% dan ga ada topik 4.9%). Cuman mo ngucapin, selamat Natal 2011, dan taun baru 2012 plus lunar new year 2563 Semoga taun...
[MUSIC] Various Artist – Kami-sama to issho [Nekogami Yaoyorozu OP] 24 Jul 2011 | 04:24 am
Yap, anime season Summer telah dimulai sejak 2 ~ 3 minggu kmarin. New season, new anime, tentu new OP & ED song Ga kerasa banget sudah ganti season dan anime baru bermunculan… Kali ini gw akan sedikit...
More pvp turkiye related news:
Сe и RE на PVP Варе 25 Feb 2009 | 02:48 am пароль от архива Lampapasi dll файлы закинуть в папку HackShield с заменой файлов. Чтобы всё работало следует сначала запускать UCE, а уж затем и RfOnline. Главное отлиечие...
WoW Multiboxing Eye of the Storm Level 46 on 3x BM Hunters 16 Jun 2011 | 05:38 am
Here is another PVP video of multiboxing 3x Hunters. We obliterated this battleground pretty hard core. One of the major pros to doing this BG was that the action was always really close to where yo...
Video (47 minutes) of Multiboxing Scholomance Instance @ Level 41 3x Hunters 14 Jun 2011 | 02:15 pm
This video is of the 3x Hunter multiboxing team of Tims and we used the LFD system to que and ended up in Scholomance. The hunters are 41, BM spec, and have 3 dps/pvp pets (wolf, fox, dog) and 3 tan...
Bağkur yeni sistem 9 Feb 2012 | 09:27 am
Bağkur yeni sistemini ‘ den alamayınca tekrar sgk yönlendirildi şuanda sorgulama tam olarak perfomans düşüklüğü ve bilgiler alınmadığı için tam yapılmıyor bilgiler düzene girdiğinde siz...
OracleDay2011 4 Nov 2011 | 01:51 am
Dun Turkiye'nin IT sektorundeki en buyuk eventine sahit oldugumu dusunuyorum. Binlerce uzmanin katildigi 9 paralel oturumun ayni anda yapildigi bir buyuk govde gosterisi izledik. Sayin Gurhan Kaleliog...
PvPTitle Colour Guide // Guía de los colores de títulos por PvP 5 Jun 2011 | 09:01 am
When your PvP kills amount reaches a certain number, your title colours will change their color. Here you have the amount of PvPs you will need and the colours. Cuando tu cantidad de PvPs llegue a ci...
GMshop Upgrader Option 4 Jun 2011 | 03:10 pm
In this option you can trade your equiepment for a better one. Things must be in your inventory. Trades are: - Icarus PvP weapons -> Vesper PvP weapons* - Dynasty Upper Body armor parts -> Improved ...
HAKKIMIZDA 5 May 2012 | 09:01 am
DORABOX Polistren Ambalaj Tic.Ltd.Şti. SUMER MHL. ORGANIZE SANAYI BOLGESI SOK.5 NO:7 NAZILLI / AYDIN ( TURKIYE)(+90) 5343084543 E-mail: Paolo Garbagna Nil Bekme...
StarCraft 2-IEM Whitera vs Grubby – PvP – Game 1 – Entombed Valley 21 Mar 2012 | 07:12 am
Zenonia 4 Help In the PvP Guide 26 Mar 2012 | 10:40 pm
Slayer You should have some points dedicated to linedrive since it’s your prime weapon for the PvP. At least 2 or 3 should do good enough for a Stun. If you are in a higher level make sure to have wh...