Most racism in appalachia related news are at:

All The Power To The Top 17 Jan 2012 | 01:11 am
It should come as no surprise that when Republicans gain power, as they have in Indiana's and New Hampshire's legislatures, they try to take away make it so that workers have even less say about their...
Now The Serpent Was More Subtil... 20 Dec 2011 | 05:23 pm
There's truth to the metaphor of politics as professional wrestling. Christopher Hitchens was a heel. He was a bad guy who went out in the public and insulted them and his opponents and he drank too m...
More racism in appalachia related news:
racism, hypocrisy, and basketball: it’s all in a day’s work. 7 Mar 2011 | 07:40 pm
i’m not sure how many of you keep up with ncaa men’s basketball, but there’s a good chance you may have heard something about a byu player, brandon davies, being suspended from the basketball team thi...
English FA Lays Down The Law On Luis Suarez 21 Dec 2011 | 01:37 pm
In a case which seemed like ages to complete the English FA handed Luis Suarez and eight game ban for his alleged use of a racism term against Manchester United’s Patrice Evra. This case is a tough o...
"festival contre le racisme" in Mainz (2. - 10. Juni) 24 May 2011 | 11:14 pm
In Mainz findet demnächst das "festival contre le racisme" statt. Inklusive einer offenen Konferenz zu Antimuslimischem Rassismus. Super Sache! Rassismus gibt es überall - auch und gerade in Deutschl...
Régles 21 Apr 2007 | 08:56 am
C'est simple je vous demanderai à tous d'être polis, de ne pas vous insulter, de ne pas utiliser les language SMS, de ne pas faire d'alusion au racisme et autre discrimination, et de ne pas être obsén...
The looter mentality isn’t just in the streets 27 Apr 2012 | 12:55 am
So what’s all that crazy rioting in the video about? I’ll give you three guesses: 1. Opposition to racism 2. Opposition to the bombing of a peaceful 3. Opposition to paying an extra $1 a day fo...
Seriously? This is the "racism" that gets people all upset? 11 Jan 2012 | 03:30 pm
Being an ignorant foreigner, I only learned about the D&G incident when a fellow Libertine posted this link on the facebook (it seems that CNN has been reduced to publishing Google translations of App...
La Cour de cassation à l'Honneur : Suppression de la discrimination envers les étrangers dans le domaine des baux commerciaux 28 Dec 2011 | 01:06 am
En ce moment où la Turquie est au coeur de l'Actualité et où on parle de "haine", de "xénophobie", de "racisme", un important arrêt de la Cour de cassation fait honneur à cette dernière Au nom de la ...
Sweden & Their New Found Witch Hunt 9 Jan 2012 | 10:26 pm
In a world where we have come so far ( racism , gender discrimination and so forth ) , it seems we have a long way to go. BB’er Toney Freeman was profiled for being very muscular , which they ( Swedi...
Twitter becomes avenue for racism following hockey game 27 Apr 2012 | 05:50 pm
Mere minutes after Joel Ward made a shot to the net late on Wednesday, racist rants started to rain down via Tweets on the Internet. Several websites, such as BlackSportsOnline and Chirpstory collecte...
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Failure in the Eastern Province 4 Apr 2012 | 05:49 pm
The emergence of demonstrations in the Shiite areas in the eastern region is because of doctrinal racism and mainly the failure administrative system for the Emirate of the Eastern Province represente...