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Arthur Clark home loses fight 2 Jul 2013 | 06:16 pm
Campaigners lost their battle to save The Arthur Clark Home and Albert Road Day Centre last night. Despite protests from residents, their families and opposition parties Reading Borough Council’s rul...
Southwest One shared contact centre saves cost and improves satisfaction 1 Mar 2011 | 11:48 pm
To provide a single point of access to council services and reduce cost, a shared customer contact centre has been established by Southwest One – a joint venture between Taunton Deane Borough Council,...
Season’s greetings from Antrim Borough Council 16 Nov 2011 | 12:15 am
Planning consultation: only 1 week to submit your view 30 Jan 2010 | 01:05 am
Author: Cyril Richert A public meeting was organised yesterday, Thursday 28th January, by the Putney Society to present Wandsworth Borough Council’s new plans to guide the form and shape of re- develo...
Draw your own conclusion in 3 steps 24 Jan 2010 | 04:26 am
Author: Cyril Richert Step1: The Inspector criticizes Wandsworth Borough Council for its lack of evidence on defining tall buildings area and supporting evidence In a letter received on September 24th...
New Naturist Beach In Hartlepool 25 Sep 2009 | 12:19 am
More naturist news from in and around the UK as a move to formally designate a section of a popular beach for naturists is set to be discussed by council chiefs next week. Hartlepool Borough Council w...
List of Street Parties Being Held on Royal Wedding D-Day 29 Mar 2011 | 07:55 am
Very Few DDay Celebrations: Gateshead Council 1 Northumberland County Council 1 Chorley Council 1 Oxford City Council 1 Borough Council of Wellingborough 1 South Holland District Council 1 Reading Bo...
Care and Treatment for the Disabled 27 Oct 2010 | 06:16 pm
Painted Children is soon meeting with Newham Borough Council’s disability team to talk about the help that we can give to the local disabled. We would like to give back to the community that has been...
London Charity | London Children’s charity, UK | Kids & child charity London UK, Charity for children, Painted children. 11 Oct 2010 | 06:39 pm
Painted Children is soon meeting with Newham Borough Council’s disability team to talk about the help that we can give to the local disabled. We would like to give back to the community that has been...
Budget Housing continues to be high on the political agenda 7 May 2011 | 12:35 am
Housing related support in Sefton is poor The £6.7 million Sefton metropolitan borough council Supporting People programme is poor and has uncertain prospects for improvement, according to an independ...