Most recall efforts in arizona related news are at:

Republicans Say It's Unfair To Compare Civil Rights To LGBT Rights 27 Aug 2013 | 03:35 am
“You’re talking about a race of people, I don’t think you can make that comparison between a race of people and the gay rights movement, if that’s what you want to call it,” said former Congressman Al...
New Mexico Judge Orders Marriage Licenses For Same-Sex Couples 27 Aug 2013 | 03:28 am
Prohibitions on same-sex couples marrying in the state “are unconstitutional and unenforceable,” Judge Alan Malott ruled Monday. WASHINGTON — A New Mexico judge has ordered the county clerks of Berna...
More recall efforts in arizona related news:
North Dakota Recall Effort Underway 17 Apr 2010 | 01:46 am
Following behind court wins in the NJ Menendez recall campaign, yet aAnother US Senate recall effort is now underway in North Dakota, and is seeking petition signature gatherers. One of the primary o...
Grosse Pointe Recall Effort Moves Forward 29 Jan 2010 | 01:39 am
Dr. Lee has done a bit of recall work in Grosse Pointe Shores Michigan: They are targeting Mayor Dr. James Cooper, and councilman and mayor Pro Tem Dr. Brian Hunt; and council members Victoria Boyce,...
Wisconsin Recall Effort Heats Up 3 Mar 2012 | 10:40 pm
A former executive wіth support frοm unions ѕауѕ ѕhе plans tο rυn аѕ a Democrat against Wisconsin’s Republican governor, Scott Walker. Kathleen Falk іѕ thе first Democrat tο officially ɡеt іn thе rасе...
Michigan Drops Recall Effort After Wisconsin Victory 11 Jun 2012 | 11:32 pm
Another reason why Wisconsin was so important: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s victory in Tuesday’s recall vote is yielding dividends for another Midwestern Republican governor. A group that sought to...
Sen. Alan Bates facing recall effort over transparency failures 22 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
by Shelby Sebens | Northwest Watchdog A newly formed group of advocates based in southern Oregon that aims to improve transparency in the Oregon Legislature is zeroing in on its first target: state S...
Gay-ly News Round-up 8/23/13: Nikolai Alekseev’s Tantrum Continues, John Travolta, Filmore Protest and MORE 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
*Daniel Hernandez, former intern turned politician who saved Gabby Giffords life hit with nasty GOP/Tea Party recall effort insinuating that he’s not a real man because he is gay. *John Travolta, Ora...
Weekend Discussion: Filner — Fair Deal or Bungled Bailout? 24 Aug 2013 | 04:27 am
Would you rather… Take the Filner resignation deal, as outlined by Jan Goldsmith.. or have recalled Filner and paid for up to $400,000 for a recall effort ? ***** Filner deal, as outlined by City Att...
PeakFeed: AFP Highlights Giron’s Terrible Record 26 Aug 2013 | 11:27 pm
Today, Americans for Prosperity released a radio ad aimed at Democratic Senator Angela Giron, a recall target. While recall opponents try to shrug off recall efforts as a movement by gun activists, AF...
Watching NJ Senate Recall 25 Mar 2010 | 01:46 pm
Still watching NJ Senate recall. This is likely to spark a number of other efforts across the nation. Please feel free to comment with any inside info.
herculean efforts 16 Feb 2010 | 06:06 pm
I have always been somewhat anti-Olympics. For as long as I can remember (and at my age it’s a miracle that I can recall anything) there has been arbitrary and unfair judging, the professional vs ama...