Most resetting the ipod after ios5 related news are at:

Apple officially offers iWork for iCloud Beta to everyone 27 Aug 2013 | 05:34 pm
Apple recently announced that their iWork for iCloud Beta will be available to anyone with an Apple ID. The service has previously only been open to developers and was accessible to users by invitatio...
Siri makes fun of Google Glass 27 Aug 2013 | 05:11 pm
Apple has taught Siri – the personal assistant built into the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, – to respond to the mention of glasses Google Glass. It’s enough to say the phrase “OK Glass”. Google’s data...
More resetting the ipod after ios5 related news:
iPod Reset 21 Nov 2008 | 01:06 pm
Ipod nano troubleshooting tips and tricks When you reset the ipod all your data like music file are saved only some customized setting will be erased. Ipod neno troubleshooting tips for reset First c...
[Astuce iOS pour iPhone, iPod, iPad] iOS5 : gagner de la place avec applis peu utilisées 5 Jun 2013 | 01:41 pm
Voici l’astuce publiée hier dans l’application iPhone Smartappli! Si vous voulez être (...)
How do you hard reset an iPad? 11 May 2012 | 02:46 am
There are times when you get an App go dodgy or need to reset the iPad for a particular reason. The process is exactly the same as if you were doing a hard reset on a iPhone or iPod. 01 – Push the but...
[Crack] MewSeek 2.7-3 *FIX* 25 Feb 2012 | 05:49 am
Update : Version 2.7-3 released ! Crack is out !! v2.7-3 fixes incompatibility with Zephyr and Multiflow iOS5 fully supported including: - 'add to iPod' - album artwork (iOS5+ only) - fix for Sprin....
IOS 5 Released – Download Now ! 13 Oct 2011 | 05:33 am
The much awaited iphone IOS 5 has been released just a few moments ago , you can install the latest version of Ios i.e IOS5 on your ipad , Ipod 3 &4 and Iphone 4 & 3gs. First head over to an...
iOS5 Adds Notification Center, iMessage, Newsstand…. 16 Jun 2011 | 01:35 am
During WWDC 2011, Apple previewed iOS 5. The iOS 5 beta release includes over 200 new features that will be available to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users this fall. New iOS 5 features include: Notifi...
Apple iOS5 新功能: 整合Twitter,還有更多 19 Oct 2011 | 03:27 am
雖然外觀沒有改變,但內裝有了不小進步的 iPhone 4S 已經上市,是不是很心動想快點擁有它呀?但身為一個聰明的消費者,不能單單因為它是 iPhone,就非敗不可!除了有高規格硬體設備,還要搭載好的軟體,才能相得益彰發揮最好的效能;現在就來看看搭載在 Apple iPhone 4S、iPod T[......]
New 5th generation iPod Touch reference found in iOS5.1 10 Apr 2012 | 01:41 pm
According to a new report, a file inside the iOS 5.1 code has been found that references the 5th generation iPod touch. 9to5Mac reports that they have found a reference to "iPod5,1" which indicates th...
Ipod Tips And Tricks 31 Dec 2008 | 09:42 pm
Ipod Tips and Tricks - Ipod Troubleshooting guide This blog provides ipod tips and tricks, Apple Ipod Troubleshooting, How to restore ipod and how to reset ipod touch. Ipod tips for neno, shuffle and...
iOS5 Feature List 20 Aug 2011 | 08:58 pm
iOS 5 will support the iPhone 3GS and 4, the third- and fourth-generation iPod touch, and all iPads. I’m listing features that are listed in WWDC coverage. Notification appear in smaller animated bar...