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Mountain Equipment: SAIL cruising into Burlington – Hamilton Spectator 30 May 2012 | 11:25 am
SAIL cruising into BurlingtonHamilton SpectatorIt will be about 1.5 kilometres from the similar Mountain Equipment Co-op on Brant Street. Richard Viger, marketing director for SAIL, said the location ...
Resgate da Princesa 6 Jan 2012 | 07:38 am
The Wizard of Id é uma tirinha de jornal diária criada pelos cartunistas americanos Brant Parker e Johnny Hart, iniciada em 1964. Em 1997 Brant Parker passou a responsabilidade pela tira para seu filh...
Blitz - Dual Audio DVDRip 10 Aug 2011 | 07:45 am
A vida do sargento Brant (Jason Statham) não está fácil. O esquadrão em que trabalha está as moscas. Ele está sob julgamento por agredir um psicólogo policial; a esposa do inspetor chefe Roberts mo...
Dining In 4 Feb 2011 | 05:45 am
This post is a HUGE pat on the back for Brant and I. When we lived outside of Kansas City attending graduate school, we found it hard to cook and eat at home. Time, schedules, projects, our suburban...
Poetic RapidSMS 8 Jul 2009 | 03:03 am
From Rowena Luk, who is working on the RapidSMS Senegal Tostan project: The following poem was received and broadcast (via RapidSMS) to one of our villages in rural Senegal earlier today. Note that ...
飄忽的愛 2 Sep 2010 | 01:39 pm
昨天在手機短訊看到陳奕迅和露雲娜有新曲講男講女,我想是那位嗎?YouTube一下果然真是。下面這首歌想介紹很久了,只是自己實在沒有體驗只覺得好聽。或許很多人知道周秀娜被人謔稱為「露暈娜」,是時候認識真正的露雲娜了。 飄忽的愛(1985) 露雲娜(Rowena CORTES) 曲/詞:蔡國權 若命運是一心一意 讓我共他於一起 為何又在編織苦與悲 像霧朦朧依稀 遍佈著神秘 這愛飄忽繚亂我心扉 問命...
About me 14 Jul 2007 | 05:32 am
ROWENA ABAD AZURIN (Ruena, Ra, Rowena, Weng, Wena) Born on December 25, the 7th child of Graciano Rosales Abad and Felipa Castaneda Retuerne, Rowena Abad Azurin grew up and finished her Primary and S...
Tavinho Moura, Fernando Brant e Mariana Brant 11 Mar 2012 | 06:44 am
SESC PINHEIROS – 19/03/2009 – Show de abertura do projeto “CLUBE DA ESQUINA nas minas da música” Composição de Fernando Brant e Milton Nascimento.
Grindrphiles: Brant 22 May 2012 | 06:12 am
The following interview was conducted by pop-culture poster boy, freelance blogger, and executive editor of Gunpowder & Gold Alexander Mayfair. It originally appeared on Washington, D.C.-based online ...
Aktuelle Würfe 15 Sep 2011 | 07:04 am
F-Wurf 9.9.: Bei Alex und Rowena auf der Hundewiese. 28.8.-16.9.: Spiele ist nach dem Fressen am wichtigsten. Fritzi wurde als erste abgeholt. 13.8.: Die letzte Woche bot viel Abwechslung. Erlebnis...