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FIREFOX 26 Feb 2010 | 09:57 am
Why is Firefox so popular? A myriad of reasons explain why Firefox is becoming increasingly more popular: RSS reader Firefox has a built-in RSS reader which allows users to stay up to date with the c...
intraVnews RSS Reader für Windows 2 May 2012 | 11:15 pm
intraVnews ist ein Outlook Plugin, welches es ermöglicht, direkt in Outlook Feeds und Tweets auszulesen. Das Programm ist relativ neu, die ersten 30 Tage sind kostenlos zum Testen da, danach muss man ...
Thunderbird 11.0 16 Mar 2012 | 04:30 pm
Thunderbird is a great email client from the same people who brought you the Firefox browser. Thunderbird gives you IMAP/POP support, a built-in RSS reader, support for HTML mail, powerful quick sear...
how can i export my firefox bookmarks into an RSS reader? 7 Dec 2009 | 05:14 pm
RSS Feed Reader I have HUNDREDS of blogs I read regularly and would like to export them into a RSS reader so I can just view the updated ones, instead of trawling through them all . But I can’t find ...
MaxBlogPress Review And Bonus Of Bring My Blog Visitors Back Released Today By Pawan Agrawal And 18 Aug 2012 | 04:19 pm
Scottsdale, AZ (PRWEB) July 12, 2012 MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is a WordPress Plugin that offers more flexibility and control over one’s RSS feeds, enticing ones RSS readers to visit th...
Changement de l’adresse du flux RSS de Féline 207 16 Dec 2012 | 12:12 am
Chers lecteurs de Féline 207 et fans de la Peugeot 207, Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir changer l’adresse de notre flux RSS dans votre lecteur de flux RSS (Google Reader, Firefox, Netvibes, etc.)...
Changement de l’adresse du flux RSS de Féline 207 16 Dec 2012 | 12:12 am
Chers lecteurs de Féline 207 et fans de la Peugeot 207, Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir changer l’adresse de notre flux RSS dans votre lecteur de flux RSS (Google Reader, Firefox, Netvibes, etc.)...
Adicionar nova preferência de inscrição de RSS no firefox 18 Mar 2013 | 03:41 am
Recentemente, com a notícia de que o Google Reader será desativado, troquei meu leitor de RSS para o The Old Reader – que já tem tradução para o português brasileiro tamanha a comunidade lá. Para adic...
Firefox Foxit Reader Plugin -> npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll -> Czy szykują się kłopoty? 9 Jan 2013 | 03:05 am
W dniu wczorajszym (07.01.2013) pojawił się ciekawy DoS/PoF na dotyczący pluginu Foxit Reader’a dla Mozilli Firefox. Podatny Plugin jest instalowany standardowo z najnowsz...
Adding Netvibes subscription option to Firefox 29 Jun 2013 | 08:38 pm
In my previous post, I mentioned that I have transitioned away from Google Reader to Netvibes as my preferred RSS feed reader. One thing that I had thought of looking into until cleaning out my feeds ...