Most rusça related news are at:

Resimli Sözlük 23 Aug 2007 | 07:24 am
Resimli bir Rusça sözlük.. İndir alıntıdır..
Sözlük-IV 23 Aug 2007 | 07:23 am
Temel İletişim Cümleleri Простите. (Prastite) Affedersiniz / Pardon. Изв и ните. (İzvinite) Affedersiniz / Kusura bakmayın. Простите меня! (Pastite minya) Affedersiniz / Pardon Извиняюс (İzvinyayu...
More rusça related news:
Anno 2070 v1.03.6860 (2011/MULTI2/RePack by R.G Mechanics) 15 Mar 2012 | 04:27 pm
Anno 2070 v1.03.6860 (2011/MULTI2/RePack by R.G Mechanics) Year: 2011 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: Related Designs | Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment | 2.19 GB Genre: Strategy Anno 2070 continues...
The submerged iPhone: 6 months later 24 Dec 2008 | 02:18 am
Six months ago I took my iPhone into a hot tub with me. It wasn’t on purpose – I had it in my bathing suit pocket (because, where else would you carry it?). I immediately realized my mistake, and rus...
RUS-CERT DV-Sicherheiten 16 Nov 2005 | 11:56 pm
// German Cyber Security Alerts about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits. include_once "includes/lastRSS.php"; // Create lastRSS object $rss = new lastRSS;...
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 – Fast Install v2.0 (2011) 12 Dec 2011 | 02:19 am
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 – Fast Install v2.0 (2011/Eng/Rus) | 3.56 GB A new major release of the operating system from Apple, known as OS X Lion, out July 20. At his disposal are more than 250 unique fun...
A vér könyve (Book of Blood) 2009 DvdRip.AC-3 5.1 Xvid.hun-horhe 30 May 2012 | 07:46 am
A vér könyve (Book of Blood) színes,szinkronos angol misztikus horror,thriller 2009 Rendezte : John Harrison Szereplők : Jonas Armstrong ... Simon McNeal Sophie Ward ... Mary Florescu Clive Rus...
Seminar om kjønn og rus 25 May 2012 | 09:37 pm
11. juni inviterer rusforskarar og kjønnsforskarar ved UiS til seminar om alkohol- og narkotikaproblem i eit kjønnsperspektiv. Dr. Sharon Wilsnack frå University of North Dakota vil presentere eit int...
Dis hoe jy jou verlof moet gebruik! Vakansie Dae 2012 10 Jan 2012 | 09:52 pm
Lees mooi en jy kan behoorlik rus in 2012….21 Maart is Human Rights Day – Dis ‘n Woensdag en ‘n lekker midweek break, so moenie punte hierso mors nie 6 April is Goeie Vrydag – Soos die naam sê, land ...
Büyük Aşk filmini izle 12 Apr 2012 | 06:24 am
Paris, 1913. Coco Chanel zengin ve yakışıklı Boy Capel’a aşıktır. Rus kompozitör Igor Stravinsky’ın The Rite of Spring’i (bale) sahnelenmek üzeredir. Igor’un ses uyumsuzluğundaki devrimci hareketi Coc...
X3: Albion Prelude v.1.1 + X3: Terran Conflict v3.1.2 (2011/Eng/Rus/Repack by Fenixx) 20 Jan 2012 | 12:25 am
X3: Albion Prelude — это самая последняя игра в серии космических игр X3. Торгуй, сражайся, строй и думай в живой и дышащей вселенной. Вас ждут новые миссии и множество улучшений к свободному для дейс...